Gas & Electricity

A lot more than Putin and Xi. We kid ourselves that the world stands behind Ukraine and Taiwan, it doesn't. Russia is winning the war of ideas beyond the Anglosphere, beyond Europe and the West, beyond the "rules based system" (rules the West wrote itself) and beyond the absurdity of universal rights (rights written by the West).
Fully agree with that, even away from the usual suspects, much of Africa, some of South America and even India and Pakistan are either on the fence or pro Putin. Thats a very large percentage of the world's population. The geopolitics of these areas are so entwined with investments from Russia or previous grievances with the West or in the case of India, wanting to be seen as powerful and independent.
I wonder what will happen to all those who rightly or wrongly have fixed at high prices with energy companies if the Labour idea of frezzing the price cap comes in. They will be over paying massively. I also don’t think if prices drop that people should have to pay £2/300 to get out of their contract, these are hard times and it’s literally a push of a button on a keyboard to change someone over, it isn’t £2/300 admin charge.
Fully agree with that, even away from the usual suspects, much of Africa, some of South America and even India and Pakistan are either on the fence or pro Putin. Thats a very large percentage of the world's population. The geopolitics of these areas are so entwined with investments from Russia or previous grievances with the West or in the case of India, wanting to be seen as powerful and independent.
If I was the West I’d be making it known to these countries that been on the wrong side of the fence will not be forgotten.
A lot more than Putin and Xi. We kid ourselves that the world stands behind Ukraine and Taiwan, it doesn't. Russia is winning the war of ideas beyond the Anglosphere, beyond Europe and the West, beyond the "rules based system" (rules the West wrote itself) and beyond the absurdity of universal rights (rights written by the West).
Well if that’s how large parts of the world feels, I can live without them.

I don’t know what the right word or term is, but I’m happy “aligning” myself with the US, Aus, NZ, Canada, Japan and the EU and any other country that doesn’t think it is right to fire cruise missiles from submarines onto civilians on a daily basis.

Granted, Russia seems to be rubbing along nicely with those stalwarts of freedom known as Iran, China and North Korea, but If you think Russia is winning anything, you are not keeping up with what’s really going on.
Well if that’s how large parts of the world feels, I can live without them.

I don’t know what the right word or term is, but I’m happy “aligning” myself with the US, Aus, NZ, Canada, Japan and the EU and any other country that doesn’t think it is right to fire cruise missiles from submarines onto civilians on a daily basis.

Granted, Russia seems to be rubbing along nicely with those stalwarts of freedom known as Iran, China and North Korea, but If you think Russia is winning anything, you are not keeping up with what’s really going on.

Says a man clearly not keeping up with what's really going on.
How about the term "Cruise Missiles"?
Well I used it as a figure of speech. I believe that Russia did launch missiles from the Black Sea, but it doesn’t really matter what type of projectiles they were, does it?

They are regularly launching missiles/using artillery to wipe out Ukrainian civilians. Correct or not? Or are you saying that this is a fabrication of Western media?

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