If you don’t bank online go into your bank and building Society and ask them to print out all your direct debits and standing orders. You might be amazed at the amount of money going out of your account that you’ve forgotten about or you might be able to reduce. Stop and Clear all the direct debits and standing orders you don’t need. I’ve stopped and renegotiated numerous standing orders and direct debits.
If you can afford it pay all your outgoings at once instead of monthly. Car insurance, road tax, house insurance, etc. It’s cheaper and once you’ve paid them off they won’t be going out each month. Always renegotiate any yearly insurance policies. If your current insurance provider can’t beat or better another quote, which most will try and do, go elsewhere.
If you don’t need a credit card, don’t use one. If you do use one and you’ve racked up a large amount do a balance transfer. It May cost you 3% in fees initially, but you can get up to 3 years interest free credit on a balance transfer, if you qualify, so you can spread that amount over 3 years without paying any interest. Whatever you do don’t use the new credit card. Cut it up and pay off your outstanding balance each month.