General Election - 4th July 2024

Who will you be voting for in the General Election?

  • Labour

    Votes: 266 56.8%
  • Conservative

    Votes: 12 2.6%
  • Liberal Democrat

    Votes: 40 8.5%
  • Reform

    Votes: 71 15.2%
  • Green Party

    Votes: 28 6.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 51 10.9%

  • Total voters
It’s going to be a long six weeks, my early prediction is a labour win, with one of the biggest swings ever, it won’t give them a thumping majority but they should get over the line, but they may need help off some of the other parties which could make things very interesting

Either way people need to get off their collective arses and vote, high turnouts make politicians sit up and take notice, apathy makes them think you are content, mark my words this country will struggle to keep itself together if this shower of charlatans get back in again

Labour with a majority deep into the one hundreds. And that’s a conservative estimate. Pun intended.
We won the league in 1968 under a Labour government. We won the Cup in 1969 under a Labour government.

We won the League Cup in 1970 under a Labour government. We won the ECWC in 1970 under a Labour government.

We won the 1976 League Cup under a Labour government.
And under the last lab gov which was the subject of the post?
Seems like a pretty easy choice.
It rather depends on where I stand currently. None of those people will remotely represent my views. One of them appears to represent yours, if you think the choice is easy.
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If fanbases were anything to go by, The Monster Raving Loony Party would win every seat in Liverpool by a landslide.
Are you sure they are not cheating? Their emails suggest they plan to sent Evertonians to Ruanda, make Liverpool a colony of the Isle of Man, and import millions of South Americans under 18.
Under the last Labour government we had a funded NHS hardly any waiting lists, and investment in public services we’ve had 14 years of effective austerity the whole country is breaking down there is a clear choice
Er…. There has been no austerity and Health spending has gone thru the roof. Debt has increased exponentially. I dont expect the election will be fought around actual facts or, more importantly, the real needs of the people. Count me out.

Do you understand that inflation is cumulative?

or that when inflation goes down it does not mean prices go down?

Mortgages are at record levels for recent times (still) and inflation being down to 2.3% just means people are getting more broke more slowly.
Non sequitur.
Anyone casting a vote in a general election off the back of a football result needs certifying.

Starting a war would be much more plausible, for the feel good vote.
There is a myth that Wilson won the election in 1966, because England won the World Cup. Commentators rattled this off ad nauseam in the 1970s. The election was in March.
Er…. There has been no austerity and Health spending has gone thru the roof. Debt has increased exponentially. I dont expect the election will be fought around actual facts or, more importantly, the real needs of the people. Count me out.
They are spending just to stand still simple fact is the Public services were cut to the bone now they just don’t have the capacity, look at how many beds the NHS had lost over the last 14 years, a law and order system creaking I could go on, I saiid effective austerity, as was proven in the 80s it always costs more to put right the effects of austerity than the amount saved, plus you then have the huge social costs

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