General Election - 4th July 2024

Who will you be voting for in the General Election?

  • Labour

    Votes: 177 58.8%
  • Conservative

    Votes: 8 2.7%
  • Liberal Democrat

    Votes: 26 8.6%
  • Reform

    Votes: 41 13.6%
  • Green Party

    Votes: 19 6.3%
  • Other

    Votes: 30 10.0%

  • Total voters
Not sure he made it to the very top, or he’d probably still be doing it as the pull to remain on the stage would be much greater, but it’s certainly still remarkable, albeit possible. That particular make up is definitely more suited to prosecuting than defending, although tbf he (I think) did mainly defend before he went into civil service.

It requires massive compensation if you’re up against natural advocates, if you’re not one, but it can be done. I guess the best analogy in football terms is a player like James Milner.

Advocacy is also a marginal art, in that in many cases the art of persuading makes less of a difference than people imagine. If the evidence is overwhelming no amount of silken tongued advocacy is going to change anyone’s mind. It’s the borderline cases where it actually makes a difference.

Love the analogy - what player would you be and what would you think i would be? I will think on that question to in time for your response?
Not sure he made it to the very top, or he’d probably still be doing it as the pull to remain on the stage would be much greater, but it’s certainly still remarkable, albeit possible. That particular make up is definitely more suited to prosecuting than defending, although tbf he (I think) did mainly defend before he went into civil service.

It requires massive compensation if you’re up against natural advocates, if you’re not one, but it can be done. I guess the best analogy in football terms is a player like James Milner.

Advocacy is also a marginal art, in that in many cases the art of persuading makes less of a difference than people imagine. If the evidence is overwhelming no amount of silken tongued advocacy is going to change anyone’s mind. It’s the borderline cases where it actually makes a difference.
Advocacy is very making love to a beautiful woman..
No doubt there are mitigating circumstances for Covid but don't try and pretend that this country wasn't well on its way to getting fucked before Covid became a thing. And that's all down to the Tories and no fucker else.

Record taxes
Record net migration
Record illegal immigration
Highest inflation rates since the late 70s
Brexit and Johnson's shitty oven ready deal which isn't worth a fucking wank because he allowed himself to be rolled over by the EU
Liz Truss and Kamikaze Kwarteng's suicidal budget which cost the country tens of billions of pounds and saw mortgage rates rocket

They're just a few things and most of them are fuck-all to do with Covid. And that's before we get on to scandal after scandal after fucking scandal. Yet here you are still voting for the fuckers. You need to give your head a fucking wobble sunshine

You don't think high taxes and inflation are caused by Covid?

You think net migration will come down under labour?

Interest rates similarly high in the USA - was that caused by Truss?

Some blinkers in that post sunshine.
You don't think high taxes and inflation are caused by Covid? -

You think net migration will come down under labour?

Interest rates similarly high in the USA - was that caused by Truss?

Some blinkers in that post sunshine.
You don't think high taxes and inflation are caused by Covid? -

Did the largest bailout ever (the banking system in 2010) cause high taxes and inflation ? No ...I thought not

You think net migration will come down under labour?

1)Labour proposed the toughest immigration laws ever ... but were blocked by Michael Howard and the Tories.

2)They might actually renationalise Border Force and staff up the immigration case workers (to a level we had prior to 2010) so we can actually deal with the issue rather than house people in hotels

Interest rates similarly high in the USA - was that caused by Truss?

Agreed.....but we're asking the wrong question .... why are interest rates held so high when the cap on bankers bonuses has been scrapped.....answers on a postcard please.

Some blinkers in your post sunshine
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You don't think high taxes and inflation are caused by Covid? -

Did the largest bailout ever (the banking system in 2010) cause high taxes and inflation ? No ...I thought not

You think net migration will come down under labour?

1)Labour proposed the toughest immigration laws ever ... but were blocked by Michael Howard and the Tories.

2)They might actually renationalise Border Force and staff up the immigration case workers (to a level we had prior to 2010) so we can actually deal with the issue rather than house people in hotels

Interest rates similarly high in the USA - was that caused by Truss?

Agreed.....but we're asking the wrong question .... why are interest rates held so high when the cap on bankers bonuses has been scrapped.....answers on a postcard please.

Some blinkers in your post sunshine

Point one inflation was low pre Covid / your response is simply wrong

Point two you go back to Micheal Howard? Virtually a non answer.

Point three you agree with me - If you think bankers bonus’s impact on interest rates significantly I give up.

Must try harder! Sunshine!
Truss spaffed £40bn up the wall unexpectedly, meaning the BoE had to step in to fill that financial hole.

The pound fell sharply and borrowing costs on government bonds soared. This caused chaos for pension funds as the complicated way they borrowed money worked on the assumption that bond rates would always be steady and relatively low. Most noticeably for the average household, mortgage lenders started to pull their best rates, as Swaps – which set fixed pricing – began to climb.
You don't think high taxes and inflation are caused by Covid?

You think net migration will come down under labour?

Interest rates similarly high in the USA - was that caused by Truss?

Some blinkers in that post sunshine.
Absolutely, if you mean to recover the transfer of tax payers money through nudge nudge wink wink contracts to Tory mates

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