General Election - 4th July 2024

Who will you be voting for in the General Election?

  • Labour

    Votes: 182 58.7%
  • Conservative

    Votes: 8 2.6%
  • Liberal Democrat

    Votes: 26 8.4%
  • Reform

    Votes: 42 13.5%
  • Green Party

    Votes: 19 6.1%
  • Other

    Votes: 33 10.6%

  • Total voters
Isn’t it funny you will be elated Thursday night - I am genuinely that fearful of labour that leaving this county seems the most likely option. We are seriously debating a life in Canada as a family. I genuinely think they will be an unmitigated disaster. Look at Birmingham council as an example of where I think we will end up. Sad worrying times.
Think you will be proved wrong ,but you’re free to think that. What I don’t get is how you think the last 10 weren’t an unmitigated disaster, and that Labour could be worse.
Couldn’t agree more. Country is on its arse and needs fixing, no doubt. Changing the voting system, outlawing foreign ownership of the media, getting rid of the HOL, public ownership of voutlawing foreign ownership of the media, getting ital services, proper infrastructure spending, investing in people and skills and becoming part of the single market, would be a start….
Couldn’t agree more. Country is on its arse and needs fixing, no doubt. Changing the voting system, outlawing foreign ownership of the media, getting rid of the HOL, public ownership of vital services, proper infrastructure spending, investing in people and skills and becoming part of the single market, would be a start….
Well, I might want to allow SM to own a publication or two ;)
Isn’t it funny you will be elated Thursday night - I am genuinely that fearful of labour that leaving this county seems the most likely option. We are seriously debating a life in Canada as a family. I genuinely think they will be an unmitigated disaster. Look at Birmingham council as an example of where I think we will end up. Sad worrying times.

do you need a lift to the airport?

You are aware that the Liberal Party of Canada are in charge there? Why not go to France its nearer and you'll have Le Pen and National Rally there.

Whats that? Oh yeah Brexit ....
Isn’t it funny you will be elated Thursday night - I am genuinely that fearful of labour that leaving this county seems the most likely option. We are seriously debating a life in Canada as a family. I genuinely think they will be an unmitigated disaster. Look at Birmingham council as an example of where I think we will end up. Sad worrying times.

I'm not sure that's the most logical extrapolation tbh but if you are that fearful then it's probably the right thing to go. I've worked in Canada, it's a great country, depending where you go the people range from decent liberal types to endearing lunatics. Assuming strong finances I'm sure you could build a good life and be happy there. Godspeed.
Isn’t it funny you will be elated Thursday night - I am genuinely that fearful of labour that leaving this county seems the most likely option. We are seriously debating a life in Canada as a family. I genuinely think they will be an unmitigated disaster. Look at Birmingham council as an example of where I think we will end up. Sad worrying times.
Birmingham you say...

What about all the Tory councils gone bust? Northants, Woking, Thurrock...
No problem with the rest of your post but why put selfishness as the motive for voting? Whether it's utilitarianism (greatest good for the greatest number) or Golden Rule (do for others what you would have them do for you) or any collectivist philosophy, surely there's a better way to cast a vote than what suits one's own interests.
Human nature of protect yourself and your family first gets in the way of making decisions for the wider good. I know my personal voting preferences have changed as I've got older and not in the way most people say.

My parents were staunch Labour voters but
being a kid in the Thatcher era and seeing the yuppie lot, the Norman Tebbit " If you cant get a job get on your bike" resonated with me. So I did as he said after graduating (first in my family to go to Uni) and chased the money, worked in London and abroad often staying in utter shit holes to get ahead. At that point any party that allowed me to rake in cash and keep as much of it as I could was a winner for me. (Tory)

Then I eventually got married and settled down, had children and realised that the area where Id grown up had gone to shit, the school system was broken and with aging parents health care was (is) pretty much none existent. (Labour)

Now I'm older, can't say we really struggle for anything and if it wasn't for their Nuclear policy I'd be voting Green as the global environmental concerns really do worry me.

Only when I got to the position of being reasonably comfortable did I really start to think about others, decisions up to that point were based purely on which party benefited my personal circumstances. I would suggest this is pretty much the norm for most people.
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