General Election - 4th July 2024

Who will you be voting for in the General Election?

  • Labour

    Votes: 182 58.5%
  • Conservative

    Votes: 8 2.6%
  • Liberal Democrat

    Votes: 26 8.4%
  • Reform

    Votes: 42 13.5%
  • Green Party

    Votes: 19 6.1%
  • Other

    Votes: 34 10.9%

  • Total voters
It has very much so - Boris been booted out for utter bullshit was our biggest mistake in a generation. Raynor over Boris and people think this is progress. The mind boggles.
Being booted for corruption, lies and backhanders is not "utter bullshit". It's accountability and consequence in action. Attitudes like yours are the reason our politics is in the gutter.

And we all watched Boris, we all endured three fucking years of the ****. And we know what he's like as a human being. So no, the mind doesn't boggle at all.
It’s not - I notice the other day someone on here said they were voting reform. Kaz says within a minute surely you are trolling. Different opinions are allowed without insults. The left screamed for harsher lock downs more state costs during Covid and now we are paying the price it’s almost as if that did not happen. Imagine if labour had been in during Covid. I dread the next 8 years.

Why should I say otherwise? My opinion and I maintain it. Pre Covid we were In a decent position to kick on.
Imagine having a Prime Minister who didn't want to let the bodies pile high in their thousands.
Imagine a Prime Minister who didn't want to be the Superman of Capitalism.
Imagine a Prime Minister who could be bothered to attend SEVEN COBRA meetings when a Global Pandemic was heading out direction.
Imagine a Prime Minister who wouldn't have allowed 3,000 football fans into the country from a pandemic hotspot.
Imagine a Prime Minister who wouldn't have allowed water companies to pay out millions in dividends and bonuses while pumping raw sewage into our waterway's.
Imagine a Prime Minister who wasn't in the payroll of billionaires.
Yip, it would have been thousands of times better.
Earlier lockdown would have been able to open up sooner with fewer death's and much less of OUR MONEY going to self-servatives owners - donors.
Jeffrey Dahmer had a fan club at highschool.

There are some strange people walking among us.
I thought it was just kids or cultists who did stuff like that, not normal grown-ups.

Reading some of the comments on this thread, there seems to be some very selfish people who are happy to have the highest child poverty for generations, as long as they are alright.

Fucking stinks.

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