General Election - 4th July 2024

Who will you be voting for in the General Election?

  • Labour

    Votes: 192 59.1%
  • Conservative

    Votes: 8 2.5%
  • Liberal Democrat

    Votes: 27 8.3%
  • Reform

    Votes: 44 13.5%
  • Green Party

    Votes: 20 6.2%
  • Other

    Votes: 34 10.5%

  • Total voters
Yep. Back to measurable improvements across the board similar to 1997-2008, although I suspect it will take a little longer for ag improvements to be discernible by most due to the size of the job and the low base we’re starting at.

I think we'll see a reprise of the early Cameron/Osborne days with a succession of "it's worse than we thought" statements.

I agree that there won't be much obvious overall change for quite a while, probably a year or two. I assume they will spend some of their early Parliamentary time doing things that need doing but got stalled, or that they want to get rid of - easy signs of Doing Stuff.
Yep. Back to measurable improvements across the board similar to 1997-2008, although I suspect it will take a little longer for improvements to be discernible by most due to the size of the job and the low base we’re starting at.
It depends upon whether Labour are going to stick to strict fiscal rules, if they do then very little is going to change. It needs to be remembered that we're not living in the Blair years where debt is low and the country is growing.

Technically we still haven't really recovered from the 2008 crash, it has just got steadily worse and then there was COVID too which was arguably even worse.

It can't be understated how these impacts will seriously hamper any ability to do much, unless of course spending rules are ignored and they open the taps anyway.
For me, getting back to square one would be great.

Sounds a bit like that back to basics that mate ;). Seriously though what is square one for you and do you think that will happen?

I’m not trying to dig anyone out, genuinely interested. I personally have no sense on what the next 5 years are going to bring. So no thoughts on if it’ll be great or not, I’m more in the wait and see camp. I suspect many/most are the same. I don’t like Starmer as a person but that is irrelevant in the context of him being a good PM or not.
Yep. Back to measurable improvements across the board similar to 1997-2008, although I suspect it will take a little longer for improvements to be discernible by most due to the size of the job and the low base we’re starting at.

Ok so “great” was perhaps hyperbole to counter what you saw as hyperbole and “better” would be more apt of your expectations? Or do you think he will need a second term to make things “better” and spend his first term arresting the downward satisfaction trend in our public services?
So you can’t define what great looks like but think it will be great? Okaaaaaaaaay.
Like I said, it was a throw away response to someone saying it would be an unmitigated disaster. The reality is that if we get back to sound governance without bullshit and lies, it’ll do for me for the next parliament then hopefully improvements will start to be more tangible as time goes on.
Ok so “great” was perhaps hyperbole to counter what you saw as hyperbole and “better” would be more apt of your expectations? Or do you think he will need a second term to make things “better” and spend his first term arresting the downward satisfaction trend in our public services?
It depends upon whether Labour are going to stick to strict fiscal rules, if they do then very little is going to change. It needs to be remembered that we're not living in the Blair years where debt is low and the country is growing.

Technically we still haven't really recovered from the 2008 crash, it has just got steadily worse and then there was COVID too which was arguably even worse.

It can't be understated how these impacts will seriously hamper any ability to do much, unless of course spending rules are ignored and they open the taps anyway.

COVID was a whole lot worse for public finances than the financial crisis was. One is real money out the door the other was guarantees that, thankfully, we’re never drawn down on. Of course the subsequent deep recession didn’t help but it’s fairly cyclical - what followed were political choices that dragged on far too long.
Like I said, it was a throw away response to someone saying it would be an unmitigated disaster. The reality is that if we get back to sound governance without bullshit and lies, it’ll do for me for the next parliament then hopefully improvements will start to be more tangible as time goes on.

I suspect that is the limit of ambition right there. He is certainly going to need 2 terms to achieve anything of note. If we can see sustained growth then I’d mark it down as a successful first term with the reward being better public services in term 2. Hardly setting the world alight but - and excluding all domestic politics shit - it’s been, and remains, a time of global volatility.
I think here in the Shire the Greens are going to unseat Bungalow Bill Wiggy, Con, who had a shitload majority last outing.

Chowns the Green has been fuckin everywhere! I am voting for her cos of her opinions on the state of the Wye, despite disagreeing with a lot of the Greens policies.

Also Bill is a twat.

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