General Election - 4th July 2024

Who will you be voting for in the General Election?

  • Labour

    Votes: 193 59.2%
  • Conservative

    Votes: 8 2.5%
  • Liberal Democrat

    Votes: 27 8.3%
  • Reform

    Votes: 43 13.2%
  • Green Party

    Votes: 21 6.4%
  • Other

    Votes: 34 10.4%

  • Total voters
Watching The news Agents podcast last night. Matliss said 'a senior labour source' confirmed Starmer's first act as PM will be to flood the house of lords to get legislation passed quickly. A list has already been prepared of various labour supporting people who will be put in.

Just like Blair, he supported getting rid of it until he realised what he could use them for should he get a big majority.
Watching The news Agents podcast last night. Matliss said 'a senior labour source' confirmed Starmer's first act as PM will be to flood the house of lords to get legislation passed quickly. A list has already been prepared of various labour supporting people who will be put in.

Just like Blair, he supported getting rid of it until he realised what he could use them for should he get a big majority.
It’s like PR. Nobody elected would ever actually get rid of it if it becomes beneficial to the elected party.
For me, getting back to square one would be great.
For me simply the removal of UK third country status for ex-pats, be that EEA, single market or customs union, or a new deal which achieves this end
We should have the same rights as Norway or Switzerland
There would of course be a knock on effect for the UK economy in general.
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I understand your reservations, my mum has similar perspectives, that side of the family are all small c conservatives. And maybe you’ll be right, who am I to say? Put it this way, if in 20 years Labour have led us down a bad path and the Tories have the swell of public opinion, the shoe will be on the other foot and I might be apprehensive about them in the same way because of my experience of the last 14 years.

All I can ask is that, if in four years we look back and it hasn’t been an unmitigated disaster, that perhaps those who predict the apocalypse will be big enough to introspect and admit they were wrong.
If labour do half as much damage as the tories have then we may as well turn off the fucking lights.
Sounds a bit like that back to basics that mate ;). Seriously though what is square one for you and do you think that will happen?

I’m not trying to dig anyone out, genuinely interested. I personally have no sense on what the next 5 years are going to bring. So no thoughts on if it’ll be great or not, I’m more in the wait and see camp. I suspect many/most are the same. I don’t like Starmer as a person but that is irrelevant in the context of him being a good PM or not.
It's simple. Check Labour's achievements against 1997 pledges. Now check current promises, then watch it happen.
Watching The news Agents podcast last night. Matliss said 'a senior labour source' confirmed Starmer's first act as PM will be to flood the house of lords to get legislation passed quickly. A list has already been prepared of various labour supporting people who will be put in.

Just like Blair, he supported getting rid of it until he realised what he could use them for should he get a big majority.
I'm available.
Ok so “great” was perhaps hyperbole to counter what you saw as hyperbole and “better” would be more apt of your expectations? Or do you think he will need a second term to make things “better” and spend his first term arresting the downward satisfaction trend in our public services?
I'd like to think,and expect,we will see improvements across the board this term, maybe not huge ones but a bit more than just arresting the downward trend.

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