General Election - 4th July 2024

Who will you be voting for in the General Election?

  • Labour

    Votes: 200 59.3%
  • Conservative

    Votes: 9 2.7%
  • Liberal Democrat

    Votes: 27 8.0%
  • Reform

    Votes: 45 13.4%
  • Green Party

    Votes: 21 6.2%
  • Other

    Votes: 35 10.4%

  • Total voters
If labour do half as much damage as the tories have then we may as well turn off the fucking lights.

I think these charts from the FT’s endorsement article get to the heart of it. And if people are asking what a measurable improvement by Labour would look like, a start would be turning around this anaemic performance since the start of the Tory government on key economic measures. How anybody can look at images like this and defend the Conservative’s economic record bewilders me. The FT are supporting Labour this time round, and I think they would be the first to know if that was going to lead to some kind of unmitigated disaster.

If the trend by the end of the next Parliament is somewhere between where we are now and the pre-GFC trend, then that would be a measurable move in the right direction.

Average earnings indexed


GDP per head indexed

My sons 19 and the amount of election leaflets he’s getting through the post is crazy, far more than me!

Had a really weird one from the conservatives today that was written from the perspective of him as an older person writing to his younger self. It’s the oddest written thing I’ve seen in a long while and their message is so confusing. They really are lost.
There’s that lass in her 20s Johnson put in the House of Lords isn’t there.

Probs as shush money for making her have an abortion or something.

There's a SNP appointment who's younger, I think.

EDIT: Plaid not SNP, youngest female

Youngest male was a Conservative spad that Johnson (obvs) installed while cronying.
I'd like to think,and expect,we will see improvements across the board this term, maybe not huge ones but a bit more than just arresting the downward trend.

Starmer has been realistic in what is possible given the current finances. Reading between the lines public services are going to continue to struggle with lack of resources, improvements maybe seen in some limited pockets but, I suspect, at the detriment of other parts of the system.

Term 1 - get public finances on better footing
Term 2 - improve public services.

It’s not sexy but it’s sensible. It won’t endear him to the left of the party mind who are probably hoping he is currently lying.

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