General Election - 4th July 2024

Who will you be voting for in the General Election?

  • Labour

    Votes: 266 57.2%
  • Conservative

    Votes: 12 2.6%
  • Liberal Democrat

    Votes: 39 8.4%
  • Reform

    Votes: 70 15.1%
  • Green Party

    Votes: 27 5.8%
  • Other

    Votes: 51 11.0%

  • Total voters
I read something in the Financial Times yesterday that internal polling at CCHQ suggests that third place is definitely on the cards. Hence why they're getting desperate in their campaign. We'll know in 36 hours.

The final Survation poll had them three seats ahead of the Lib Dem’s so it’s definitely a possibility. That they might not even be the opposition might galvanise a few more into tactically voting for it too, so I’m sure they’re worried about it.

I’d absolutely love to see the Lib Dem’s as the official opposition, think it would make for such a different HoC over the next term. I still highly doubt it’ll happen though.
I am just going to write " Andy Burnham is a scouse ****" on my ballot paper - yes I know he's the mayor and it's got nothing to do with tomorrow.
Voted Labour all my life and I hate them now for imposing the scouse egotist upon the correct end of the East Lancs.

It was a cynical and calculated move by them to move him back into the spotlight, next safe by election he'll hopefully fuck off somewhere else.

Besides Graham Stringer is a rag twat and I ain't voting for him either!
I used to live in Stringer's constituency until earlier this year. I never forgave him when, with that lunatic Kate Hoey and a couple of other Labour MPs, he propped up May's government in what was effectively a vote of confidence over Brexit. He's also a climate change sceptic (at best).
Quick serious note for tomorrow. If you have a vote use it - you only have it because of the sacrifices of those who went before us.

When you go into that little booth and pick up that pencil think of the most vulnerable person you know or the person you know who you would like to have a better life then cast your vote for any candidate in any Party that gets rid of a Tory MP if you have one. You, me, the country just cannot afford another 5 years of their crap.
Quick serious note for tomorrow. If you have a vote use it - you only have it because of the sacrifices of those who went before us.

When you go into that little booth and pick up that pencil think of the most vulnerable person you know or the person you know who you would like to have a better life then cast your vote for any candidate in any Party that gets rid of a Tory MP if you have one. You, me, the country just cannot afford another 5 years of their crap.
The right to vote under universal suffrage was hard won. It's criminal to abuse it. Even if your vote is a negative one, against a specific party or candidate, you should use it. .
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Personally I’d like national debt down then in time more money for services, right to buy scheme ending so people don’t get cheap properties, maybe government set a housing department up or housing associations buy more homes so money doesn’t go to landlords

Get people into work , especially young people

I’d like to see tax brackets to be changed with inflation
You do know that to get national debt moving downward there would need to be a massive hike in income tax.
The final Survation poll had them three seats ahead of the Lib Dem’s so it’s definitely a possibility. That they might not even be the opposition might galvanise a few more into tactically voting for it too, so I’m sure they’re worried about it.

I’d absolutely love to see the Lib Dem’s as the official opposition, think it would make for such a different HoC over the next term. I still highly doubt it’ll happen though.
How about they finish 3 ahead of the LDs and then 2 Tories immediately defect to them? ;-)
Lock down earlier and save lives maybe? Or is ‘costing money’ more important?? By the way NZ dead 1500 (6m population) UK dead 230 000 (60m population). Not a good comparison is it really.

Yeah, but look at the untold damage those early and strict lockdowns have done to the New Zealand economy! I don’t know how they’re ever going to bounce back!


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