General Election - 4th July 2024

Who will you be voting for in the General Election?

  • Labour

    Votes: 266 56.8%
  • Conservative

    Votes: 12 2.6%
  • Liberal Democrat

    Votes: 40 8.5%
  • Reform

    Votes: 71 15.2%
  • Green Party

    Votes: 28 6.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 51 10.9%

  • Total voters
As a former Manc now living in America, for tha last 40+ years, all I can say is Good luck tomorrow.
And, surely you are better off than here?
Our choices are Trump or Biden!

I repeat....surely you are better off than here???
If Trump gets in it doesn't matter, China, India, USA and Russia all under "strongman" rule, no small country or coalition of countries is powerful enough to stand up to them.
OK everyone. Today is the day. Whatever your political allegiances are, make sure you get your vote in and let the ballot box decide.
That my friends is called democracy, which many countries of the world don’t have.
tbf first past the post is a weak democratic system.
60M in this country last time were eligible to vote, it took just under 14M votes for the tories to have unlimited power.

until we have PR or similar where every vote counts we won't have a real democracy, though still better than many places as you say where they have none
A super majority doesn't exist, it makes no odds if you have 40 more than the rest of parliament or 200, a majority is a majority either way.

Calling it a super majority is more media nonense to claim a tory wipeout is a bad thing desperately hopefull it will make some worry enough to vote as they always do not for change.
The phrase has been coined by the media and seized upon by all and sundry.
To say a lack of opposition is a good thing is ridiculous.

We need a strong opposition to keep the govt on their toes.
Had labour been weak the Tories would have done as they pleased for the last 5 years.
That's never good wherever your allegiances are.

If you look at the local council where I live the labour party have agreed to build on greenbelt.
No opposition so it goes through. Voters are very unhappy BUT won't change the way they vote because the thought of voting tory goes against their principles.
Bless. You even managed to shoehorn some socialist terminology in there too, as though everyone that wants shut of the Tories is a beret-donning Leninist, and not just utterly tired of the bullshit and the corruption.

But not to worry, you're leaving us soon. Don't let the door hit your mard arse on the way out.
Spot on. This notion that every person who votes Labour today is some rabid Tory-hating left wing loon is part of the problem why the Tories are in such a mess. For as long as I can remember, General Elections in this country have been decided on who the majority of the centre ground vote for. Win the centrist vote and you basically win the election. And the fact is that - over the past 5 years in particular - the Tories have seriously pissed off the centrists as well as pretty much everyone else in the country.
If this does happen and Labour return the biggest majority in British election history that is some collapse from the Tories from what they won in 2019. Demonstrates what a shit show the country have had to endure and what a corrupt, self serving, talentless bunch of MPs we’ve had running the country.
The phrase has been coined by the media and seized upon by all and sundry.
To say a lack of opposition is a good thing is ridiculous.

We need a strong opposition to keep the govt on their toes.
Had labour been weak the Tories would have done as they pleased for the last 5 years.
That's never good wherever your allegiances are.

If you look at the local council where I live the labour party have agreed to build on greenbelt.
No opposition so it goes through. Voters are very unhappy BUT won't change the way they vote because the thought of voting tory goes against their principles.
Building on greenbelt "goes through" because new houses have got to go somewhere. Tories represent homeowners who like a housing shortage pushing up the value of their home.

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