General Election - 4th July 2024

Who will you be voting for in the General Election?

  • Labour

    Votes: 266 56.8%
  • Conservative

    Votes: 12 2.6%
  • Liberal Democrat

    Votes: 40 8.5%
  • Reform

    Votes: 71 15.2%
  • Green Party

    Votes: 28 6.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 51 10.9%

  • Total voters
tbf first past the post is a weak democratic system.
60M in this country last time were eligible to vote, it took just under 14M votes for the tories to have unlimited power.

until we have PR or similar where every vote counts we won't have a real democracy, though still better than many places as you say where they have none

It is weak and I'd prefer to see it changed but it does still offer us the opportunity to send the current incarnation of the Tory party into oblivion. I cannot think of a government of any colour in my lifetime more deserving of this.

Just a thought for anyone worried about the lack of opposition. The current Conservative party is going to go into a vicious dogfight with itself after this and is unlikely to emerge as a stable party either far right or otherwise for a number of years. At this point the Lib Dems would make a significantly better opposition simply because it will focus on being an opposition. The polls say it's not going to happen but anyone who can help unseat a Tory in favour of a Lib Dem would be doing their country a great service.

Either way hopefully the British people will send a message to current and future politicians that it will not tolerate the type of attitude, behaviour and contempt we've been subjected to these last few years.
How will labour improve this country ? Brown destroyed uk pensions

What could labour have done differently in covid?

Maybe Tory’s should have brought national debt down while rates were so low
Not invited thousands from a known "hot" country to come in and watch a football match
Listened to European Countries warning us to what's coming and acting on it (not ignored it)
Not discharge the elderly to care homes to free up bed spaces without first checking for Covid infection
Not had Wanksock anywhere near making decisions,
Not thrown fucking parties in no 10

need I go on?
Not invited thousands from a known "hot" country to come in and watch a football match
Listened to European Countries warning us to what's coming and acting on it (not ignored it)
Not discharge the elderly to care homes to free up bed spaces without first checking for Covid infection
Not had Wanksock anywhere near making decisions,
Not thrown fucking parties in no 10

need I go on?
Not give their mates billions for a shite track and trace system or ppe that's unfit for use
Not invited thousands from a known "hot" country to come in and watch a football match
Listened to European Countries warning us to what's coming and acting on it (not ignored it)
Not discharge the elderly to care homes to free up bed spaces without first checking for Covid infection
Not had Wanksock anywhere near making decisions,
Not thrown fucking parties in no 10

need I go on?
I'll never understand why the borders weren't closed to non-Brits from February 2020 onwards.
I'll never understand why the borders weren't closed to non-Brits from February 2020 onwards.

Johnson saw it as opportunity to make some extra money from tourism with the U.K. being a fully open country whilst other countries were going into lockdowns. Never forget he used the words ‘they’ve had a good innings’ when he decided to not protect the vulnerable people in the country.

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