General Election - 4th July 2024

Who will you be voting for in the General Election?

  • Labour

    Votes: 266 56.8%
  • Conservative

    Votes: 12 2.6%
  • Liberal Democrat

    Votes: 40 8.5%
  • Reform

    Votes: 71 15.2%
  • Green Party

    Votes: 28 6.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 51 10.9%

  • Total voters
To be fair she and her idiot chancellor almost bankrupted the country inside two months but if you had a defined contribution pension and kept it between then and now it has already made all the money back and more besides. The only people (which of course were millions) affected were those already retired who could have been crippled as a result.however if anyone has delayed their retirement from then to now can I suggest they have a pretty shit financial advisor if their money still hasn’t recovered
Mines a DB pension and it's recovered by around 3% since September 2022 so not great for me. My mate the FA was surprised how little my pension had improved compared to Defined Contribution Pensions.

Due to inflation it's still better for me to draw my cash out even with the tax implications and invest in a property to protect my money.

Just for clarity, only a small part of my pension increases with inflation rendering it pretty ineffective against high inflation. If it was index linked I'd leave it but it just doesn't make sense.
An utterly tragic day for this country tomorrow.

We have faced Covid and the incredible after effects an energy crisis all on top of the initial instability Brexit was always going to cause.

The country has got lazy. All this working from home bullshit. No cars on the road to town on a Friday, 11 million economically inactive all still using the NHS. It will get worse much much worse now.

Labour being in power is truly frightening for me.

Enjoy your victory though Comrades. All part of life’s rich tapestry.

Glad I have made my money and don’t need to start again.
They were in power for ten years before covid ever existed !
I’m going for Clive Myrie on BBC but I’m a Channel hopper so when someone I don’t like/rate is on there I’ll pop over to the others on and off.
But Clive’s mah maain maan as they say! :-).

Doctor’s appointment this afternoon then a long nap to get ready for an all nighter. Must check the snack situation. ;-) :-)
Good luck at the quacks and hope you enjoy later. :-)
What channel we watching tonight? I'm going with Channel 4 I think.
I'm gutted Armando Ianucci isn't doing an election special.

A bit of satire with the results makes for a good election night in my view.

Not sure about Channel 4 coverage with Blair's spin man and 'everyone's favourite Tory'

BBC might be worth it for the Tory K network style nervous breakdown.

ITV will just be ITV.

Sky will be all about Hurley Burley. Although she may actually say to former government minister you're shit and you know you are just to get ratings up.
I'm gutted Armando Ianucci isn't doing an election special.

A bit of satire with the results makes for a good election night in my view.

Not sure about Channel 4 coverage with Blair's spin man and 'everyone's favourite Tory'

BBC might be worth it for the Tory K network style nervous breakdown.

ITV will just be ITV.

Sky will be all about Hurley Burley. Although she may actually say to former government minister you're shit and you know you are just to get ratings up.
All the best bits will be clipped up anyway.

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