General Election - 4th July 2024

Who will you be voting for in the General Election?

  • Labour

    Votes: 139 61.8%
  • Conservative

    Votes: 3 1.3%
  • Liberal Democrat

    Votes: 23 10.2%
  • Reform

    Votes: 27 12.0%
  • Green Party

    Votes: 12 5.3%
  • Other

    Votes: 21 9.3%

  • Total voters
Personally, I am hoping for a hung parliament, a great showing by the Greens, a decent showing by the Lib Dems, and a record-high number of Independents returned.

I don't trust any of them to have a majority government. At least with a hung parliament they will be forced into fruitful debate in order to get things passed, rather than the appearance of debate prior to rubber stamping legislation.
A few are saying that they don’t know what Labour stand for, for the life of me I don’t know what the Dem’s and Green’s policies are?
A few are saying that they don’t know what Labour stand for, for the life of me I don’t know what the Dem’s and Green’s policies are?

Well nobody has had a chance to publish a manifesto yet, so you could say the same about the Conservatives.

I will be doing what I do every election which is reading through them all and choosing the one that most aligns with my perspectives and whether I think it’s realistic that that party could deliver on it. Everything else is just PR.

I’ve been trying to flip the question on its head and ask “what do I want in a government?” As in, what could they propose that would win my vote? I think these are the main policies that would really go a long way to persuading me:

1. Proportional representation / voting reform - easy win if somebody goes for it. One of the main reasons I have voted Lib Dem.
2. Complete restructure of the tax code, particularly the structure of income tax. Literally put it in the bin and start again.
3. Building houses - but I don’t want them to just say they’re going to build them, I want them to tell me how they will do it that will make it succeed where the government has massively failed.
4. Public health - increase spending per capita on public health to align it to leading European nations spending (we are currently at about two thirds the spend per person of Germany, for example). Implement sweeping technology reform, a big issue in the NHS is inconsistency and fragmentation in their systems. Every government entity that needs to scale with the population should be constantly investing in improving scalability. There’s honestly a whole re-think needed when it comes to health systems/processes at quite a fundamental level. I don’t know how to solve it, I’m not an expert.
5. Some kind of plan for addressing misinformation in politics, media and particularly social media. Again I’m open to ideas on that because I don’t know how to address it, I just know it’s a big big problem.
Usually would be but for Starmer to be a lawyer and take the stance he has on the suffering of millions of innocent, I want him nowhere near as leader for me.

Women kids etc... are surely a price worth paying to say you were once a prime minister. I mean they would die anyhow so why ruin your chances.

I think that's the general stance of him and his supporters, nice people.
Personally, I am hoping for a hung parliament, a great showing by the Greens, a decent showing by the Lib Dems, and a record-high number of Independents returned.

I don't trust any of them to have a majority government. At least with a hung parliament they will be forced into fruitful debate in order to get things passed, rather than the appearance of debate prior to rubber stamping legislation.
The last time it happened it did not turn out so great
A few are saying that they don’t know what Labour stand for, for the life of me I don’t know what the Dem’s and Green’s policies are?
The Greens, when you dig deeper, are in to some very whacky stuff.

If they had policy grounded in science they would be a much stronger proposition. I'm a big fan of Caroline Lucas. A very good MP but it's the characters around her in the party that have little credibility.
Well nobody has had a chance to publish a manifesto yet, so you could say the same about the Conservatives.

I will be doing what I do every election which is reading through them all and choosing the one that most aligns with my perspectives and whether I think it’s realistic that that party could deliver on it. Everything else is just PR.

I’ve been trying to flip the question on its head and ask “what do I want in a government?” As in, what could they propose that would win my vote? I think these are the main policies that would really go a long way to persuading me:

1. Proportional representation / voting reform - easy win if somebody goes for it. One of the main reasons I have voted Lib Dem.
2. Complete restructure of the tax code, particularly the structure of income tax. Literally put it in the bin and start again.
3. Building houses - but I don’t want them to just say they’re going to build them, I want them to tell me how they will do it that will make it succeed where the government has massively failed.
4. Public health - increase spending per capita on public health to align it to leading European nations spending (we are currently at about two thirds the spend per person of Germany, for example). Implement sweeping technology reform, a big issue in the NHS is inconsistency and fragmentation in their systems. Every government entity that needs to scale with the population should be constantly investing in improving scalability. There’s honestly a whole re-think needed when it comes to health systems/processes at quite a fundamental level. I don’t know how to solve it, I’m not an expert.
5. Some kind of plan for addressing misinformation in politics, media and particularly social media. Again I’m open to ideas on that because I don’t know how to address it, I just know it’s a big big problem.
Some great points there and I agree with them, apart from Proportional Representation, you only have to look at Israel to see where it goes wrong, can you imagine a right wind Tory government in hock to Reform? Or a left wing government in hock to the far left, and we have enough extremists in this country to make that a distinct possibility.

Saying that some form of electoral reform is needed, we could start with hold elections over a weekend rather than a Thursday, they are only held on a Thursday because traditionally most people were paid on a Thursday, is a historical anachronism that wants putting in the bin
Personally, I am hoping for a hung parliament, a great showing by the Greens, a decent showing by the Lib Dems, and a record-high number of Independents returned.

I don't trust any of them to have a majority government. At least with a hung parliament they will be forced into fruitful debate in order to get things passed, rather than the appearance of debate prior to rubber stamping legislation.
Same here.
Internet Independent article this am covering Tory MPs reaction to Sunaks election call… sums everything up for me. 14 years of guzzling from the trough, country falling apart, endless broken promises and wasted public money, desperate folk trying to survive. Spare a thought for your elected representatives please. Change for a cup of tea guv?

But the really furious MPs were the ones who will have to give up their sun loungers for tramping around wet streets delivering leaflets.

One senior backbencher said: "This is utter madness. The Tory party is not ready, MPs are not ready. We need a break. This was the last chance for many to have a proper holiday………."
I am NOT watching the build up to this, the media are going to make it a shitshow of biases and bollocks.

The tories have fucked the country up so much that we WILL vote them out. Thats the top and tail of it. The RW media cannot change things. The left wing media dont need to change things.

6 weeks of this bollocks when all we want to do is vote them out.

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