General Election - 4th July 2024

Who will you be voting for in the General Election?

  • Labour

    Votes: 139 61.8%
  • Conservative

    Votes: 3 1.3%
  • Liberal Democrat

    Votes: 23 10.2%
  • Reform

    Votes: 27 12.0%
  • Green Party

    Votes: 12 5.3%
  • Other

    Votes: 21 9.3%

  • Total voters
The one thing that you can say about Sunak is that he has saved the tories from themselves in his nearly 2 years in power. Liz Truss demonstrated what would happen if you let the worst of them run free in line with the small minded policy ideals of the membership.

She was forced to take on Hunt as chancellor (one of the few remaining sane and pro EU tories) and ultimately she was gone and they had to stick Rishy in as they new he at least had some credibility along with Hunt to not tank the economy.

The fact he is still holding off the nutters is commendable. Over time I think he will be recognised as someone who did OK given the absolute nest of idiots that the party was during his reign. What happens post sunak is frightening.
All he is doing by stopping Frost is petty personal payback and Tory infighting, there is no principle whatsoever. He has totally abandoned the Centre ground and left it for Labour. He has been spineless and pathetic.

He is useless at politics in every way, and when they get smashed at the next election it will be Braverman or one of the other extremists that emerges from the rubble of the Tory party to get the leaders job and they will then merge with Reform and we will be in a fight against populism and fascism. All enabled by Sunak.
All he is doing by stopping Frost is petty personal payback and Tory infighting, there is no principle whatsoever. He has totally abandoned the Centre ground and left it for Labour. He has been spineless and pathetic.

He is useless at politics in every way, and when they get smashed at the next election it will be Braverman or one of the other extremists that emerges from the rubble of the Tory party to get the leaders job and they will then merge with Reform and we will be in a fight against populism and fascism. All enabled by Sunak.
I'm no sunak fan. I'm just pointing out his role in comparison to others. BJ was the catalyst for the lurch to populist BS and low intelligence politics. And sunak was definitely an enabler there but BJ was worse and they were both playing the loonies along. And when it came to replacing BJ it was the mentalist Truss or the more vanilla Sunak. And we had a dose of mentalist policy. Sunak and Hunt have basically been holding back the loonies ever since. And as you point out once he's gone they could well be back but we will have to see who survives the cull.

Tories are 2 parties in one now. The one time sensible ones who have been enabling the idiot fringe and the idiot fringe who are dragging them into right wing obscurity.
Sorry I didn't mean to imply anyone was a fan of his.

When he first got the role I agree it felt like it was a a step forward and that we had someone better than Johnson who on the surface seemed sensible, maybe even reasonable and logical.

However, as time has gone on and we've go to see him in action I have come to despise him more than any of them. At least Truss was an obvious looney, and we all knew Johnson was purely for the promotion of Johnson, who could be persuaded to change course if he thought it would make him more popular or get him out of a jam.

All Sunak has really done is to try to win back votes back from Reform, from exactly the sort people who would happily deport him to Rwanda if they possibly could based on the colour of his skin. It's pathetic in the real sense of the word.

He has no vision or principles other than trying to survive and get policies through for the sake of saying he has got them through, like Rwanda, irrespective of the cost or the result. He also has a complete inability to debate or discuss, just continually parrots soundbites and meaningless slogans.
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Sorry I didn't mean to imply anyone was a fan of his. I

When he first got the role I agree it felt like it was a a step forward and that we had someone better than Johnson who on the surface seemed sensible, maybe even reasonable and logical.

However, as time has gone on and we've go to see him in action I have come to despise him more than any of them. At least Truss was an obvious looney, and we all knew Johnson was purely for the promotion of Johnson, who could be persuaded to change course if he thought it would make him more popular or get him out of a jam.

All Sunak has really done is to try to win back votes back from Reform, from exactly the sort people who would happily deport him to Rwanda if they possibly could based on the colour of his skin. It's pathetic in the real sense of the word.

He has no vision or principles other than trying to survive and get policies through for the sake of saying he has got them through, like Rwanda, irrespective of the cost or the result. He also has a complete inability to debate or discuss, just continually parrots soundbites and meaningless slogans.
And he'll fuck off to California to work with his bro Elon along with his money to leave other cunts to sort out the mess. Totally oblivious to what he's done to the country.
ha ha ha ha ha what a fucking shambles

I'm getting T May vibes from his campaign. It's a disaster waiting to happen.

As it stands voters are not inclined to vote tory and the more they see of Sunak at these hyper stage managed ultra dry campaign photo stops the less likely they are.

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