General Election - 4th July 2024

Who will you be voting for in the General Election?

  • Labour

    Votes: 139 61.5%
  • Conservative

    Votes: 3 1.3%
  • Liberal Democrat

    Votes: 23 10.2%
  • Reform

    Votes: 27 11.9%
  • Green Party

    Votes: 12 5.3%
  • Other

    Votes: 22 9.7%

  • Total voters
Social media or reality? What prospects are there for young people in general? I'm not saying there aren't any, but they are immensely shitter than just a few years ago.

It's no wonder kids who are don't have positive male role models get lured into idolising violent gangsters. Or those with no prospects think selling hards drugs or violent crime is a good career.

If agree with this. I think the main problem is it’s an idea to treat the symptoms without addressing the cause.

Do both and it’s actually not too bad. Plenty of countries have it, some that we’d like to emulate like Norway for example. Part of the problem we have is people don’t feel part of a society, and that manifests itself in various ways either with an “I’m alright Jack type” attitude or where they can’t be arsed to contribute to the system.

Of course in this case it’s just an election ploy, shame really as it’s something worth considering in the right context.
I believe Trial by Ordeal, Jousting, and the outlawing of witchcraft are in the manifesto.
1. France is about to launch National Sevice.
2. Cameron had this in his manifesto. Worked out well.
3. National Service was introduced by Labour in 1947.
4. National Service was abolished in 1960 by the tories.
5. National service increased crime. After discharge servicemen are 30% more likely to be convicted of a crime.
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Tories didn't just break the social contract, they smashed it into tiny pieces.

You might get away with it in a state where you are given the impression that the state is run for your benefit, or at least that it gives a single, shiny shit about you.

It will not work in a country where 'society' has been fragmented by shysters, liars, conmen and outright crooks. Loyalty works both ways.
The next person came on saying he’d love it if he was younger as he’d now put a bit of weight on, as well as having a decent wage. Again, not realising that he could just sign-up with the Reserves and still fill his fat fucking Tory face, leaving the youngsters alone.

These people are just nasty fucks who only think of themselves. That’s what 14 years of Tory has done, divided and conquered its people, leaving them all out for what they can get and fuck the next generation.


I was in the Army and RAF cadets. Was brilliant for me. Appreciate it’s not for everyone but I learned a lot - including flying in chipmunks which I saw in the museum down at Duxford last year which made me feel suitably old.
I believe Trial by Ordeal, Jousting, and the outlawing of witchcraft are in the manifesto.
1. France is about to launch National Sevice.
2. Cameron had this in his manifesto. Worked out well.
3. National Service was introduced by Labour in 1947.
4. National Service was abolished in 1960 by the tories.
5. National service increased crime. After discharge servicemen are 30% more likely to be convicted of a crime.

I am looking forward to the outrage from darts fans when next year Luke Littler is told no more darts for a year mate its either Square bashing for a year or one weekend a month washing a fire and rescue service vehicle for no payment
It’s all very ridiculous.

It’s like when Corbyn said he was going to nationalise the internet and give everyone free broadband. Obviously completely fucking idiotic but it doesn’t matter as everyone knows they won’t actually have to implement it.

A stone cold sign that they know they’re going to lose, it’s just playing to the base.

Nothing but a plot to get some of the FOC reform voters back onside.
Would they still do that if they were forced though?

By making something compulsory it takes away some of the good spirit doesn't it?

Would make more sense to turn these young people into an army of public space enforcement officers rather than picking the litter up themselves. More likely to create a culture change if people can be fined for it and it would actually upskill them and give them an income.
The bill to restrict tobacco sales by age has not gone through but eventually you could employ 18-year-olds to keep an eye on their parents trying to pretend they're older than they are in order to buy ciggies.
Also, where do you draw the line on this not being in education or employment criteria? My eldest daughter turns 18 in the next week, she will have completed her final exam at College by then and has a place at Uni lined up for September. Would she be conscripted? What if she decides she wants to have a gap year and defer her place to the following year and go travelling? Or if she changes her mind and goes for an Apprenticeship but the employer can't start her till the November. It's a nonsense and unworkable idea.
Travelling? Watch out for the press gang.
If agree with this. I think the main problem is it’s an idea to treat the symptoms without addressing the cause.

Do both and it’s actually not too bad. Plenty of countries have it, some that we’d like to emulate like Norway for example. Part of the problem we have is people don’t feel part of a society, and that manifests itself in various ways either with an “I’m alright Jack type” attitude or where they can’t be arsed to contribute to the system.

Of course in this case it’s just an election ploy, shame really as it’s something worth considering in the right context.

Spot on. It might be better to implement aspects of the idea much younger in high schools, say as part of the Year 9 curriculum when they are impressionable rather than devoid of options and angry at 18. I would much prefer the £2.5bn being given to schools for this and would trust them a lot more than a conservative goverment.

Society won’t get any better until society starts taking care of itself with the basics.

The tories have a lot to answer for for the state of this country but no one needs them or an opposition with grand ideas to help your neighbours, take pride in your community and volunteer your time to those who need it. The basics.

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