General Election - December 12th, 2019

Who will you vote for in the 2019 General Election?

  • Conservative

    Votes: 160 30.9%
  • Labour

    Votes: 230 44.4%
  • Liberal Democrats

    Votes: 59 11.4%
  • Green Party

    Votes: 13 2.5%
  • Brexit Party

    Votes: 28 5.4%
  • Plaid Cymru/SNP

    Votes: 7 1.4%
  • Other

    Votes: 21 4.1%

  • Total voters

As it stands, here's what I am predicting will happen. (I am not delighted by this prospect by any means, by the way, I am a remainer.)

Once the no-deal bill has finally passed, Johnson will once again call for a GE and Corybn will feel unable to refuse it. The objection that we cannot have an election until the threat of a no deal Brexit is removed, is no longer valid. Resisting further, will only damage Labour's standing further and diminish any chance of victory in an inevitable election in November or soon after. So he will agree, and we WILL have an mid-October GE.

Boris and Farage will do a deal of some kind and whilst that will lose a lot of moderate remain-inclined Tory voters, those losses will be more than compensated for by the joining of the two forces. Whilst on the other side of the fence, the Remain vote will be destructively impaired by being split between Labour and the LibDems.

The net upshot is that Boris will gain a slim majority, my guess around 20, but embolded by the election win and with the extra seats, he will repeal he no-deal bill and we will leave on October 31st. Whether the EU will throw us a last bone which enables that to be with some kind of deal, or not, we'll see. Probably not because it will be too late.

You may laugh at this. Many probably will. But let's just see.

I disagree with you on 2 points the 1st point being that Corbyn has so much to gain by keeping Boris in post until we pass the 31st October deadline politically. Secondly Boris has narrowed his appeal and even with a pact with Farage I don't see the prospect of him scraping through enough votes to get over the line. There are a number of what is often talked about on here the conservatives with a small c or moderates who are horrified with what is happening to their party. They will as one poster on here has already said be lending their votes to another party just to block a no deal.

Unless forces through a GE through another means I don't see anything happening until after No deal has been taken off the table for now, the 31st October has passed possibly both.
Non-aggression pact...

As I've been saying.

The truth is both parties need each other. The tories need the Brexit Party's votes (5m people voted for them in the EU elections) and on the other hand, if Corbyn gets in, Brexit may very well be dead. A second referendum, which might well be lost to Remain.

So Farage will push for the strongest possible terms for any pact, but in reality he needs Johnson as much as the other way around.

As it stands, here's what I am predicting will happen. (I am not delighted by this prospect by any means, by the way, I am a remainer.)

Once the no-deal bill has finally passed, Johnson will once again call for a GE and Corybn will feel unable to refuse it. The objection that we cannot have an election until the threat of a no deal Brexit is removed, is no longer valid. Resisting further, will only damage Labour's standing further and diminish any chance of victory in an inevitable election in November or soon after. So he will agree, and we WILL have an mid-October GE.

Boris and Farage will do a deal of some kind and whilst that will lose a lot of moderate remain-inclined Tory voters, those losses will be more than compensated for by the joining of the two forces. Whilst on the other side of the fence, the Remain vote will be destructively impaired by being split between Labour and the LibDems.

The net upshot is that Boris will gain a slim majority, my guess around 20, but embolded by the election win and with the extra seats, he will repeal he no-deal bill and we will leave on October 31st. Whether the EU will throw us a last bone which enables that to be with some kind of deal, or not, we'll see. Probably not because it will be too late.

You may laugh at this. Many probably will. But let's just see.

I think BoJo will be forced to be the PM into November - why would you not make him fail to deliver brexit on the 31st. Corbyn has the election in his back pocket now as the numbers are radically different. If Corbyn lets this run a bit BoJo would have to use some under hand tactic to make brexit happen but then we crash out and he would face an election in midst of no deal chaos and having done something highly dubious and questionably legal. This must be the big fear that Cummings is wrestling with now - how do you handle this delay and failure to deliver his single commitment.

RE the splits in the vote - In many of the seats that the Tory/BXP would look to team up the Lib Dems dont realy feature. That is why I dont discout a Labour / Lib Dem deal, The Lib Dems could stand down in say 50 of these seats without really giving anything away. They are in reality a straight fight between Tory and Labour as the Labour lead above Lib Dem is so strong that tactical voting will no doubt kick in.

The danger for BoJo is the south where many very safe Tory seats will not be safe under a tory/bxp pact. I dont think there will be any truly safe seats left and tories have had more of them than anyone else. They have the most to lose.
This **** has no MPs, No manifesto, No fucking shame.

He shouldn't be given a platform akin to rhe parliamentry parties if a GE is announced, the CP, the SWP, the BNP and the MRLP get no covereage as fringe cranks and niether should this wankstain

I agree, the media should hang their heads in shame.

Farage is of course lying, there will be no pact, but if there were it would finish the Tories, internally and at the ballot box.

If Farage goes ahead with his threat and fields Brexit Party candidates it will kill the Tories at the ballot box, but perversely it might save the Tory Party itself.
As I've been saying.

The truth is both parties need each other. The tories need the Brexit Party's votes (5m people voted for them in the EU elections) and on the other hand, if Corbyn gets in, Brexit may very well be dead. A second referendum, which might well be lost to Remain.

So Farage will push for the strongest possible terms for any pact, but in reality he needs Johnson as much as the other way around.

However you have to question Farages' true motive. Yes he would like to be an MP and have a HoC mob to rule over but he also does pretty well being an MEP and being a single issue aggitator on the outside of UK politics. He makes big coin through his offshore registered ltd company (the brexit party) and the longer brexit doesnt happen the longer it stays relevant and people will hand over cash. Once we leave the EU he has little to do other than start sniping away at the form of brexit and any subsequent deals with the EU - much less relevant.
And Xi Jinping is Donald Trump.
So two MPs out of 600-odd? Result!!!

I think the statement that communist politics have never been popular in the UK, remains valid.
Small acorns Chippy, small acorns.

He was one of those dogged old men
Who lived in the past, telling stories you don't want to know
About how it was then, the hunger, the hardship
The hopes and the struggles of so long ago

And we must have looked bored, for like sparks from the cinders
His eyes glowed with anger, his words seemed to burn
He said, "I will be heard, for my life is not over-
I've something to say yet, and you've something to learn"

He said, "You, who have nothing at all to believe in
Oh you, who's motto is 'money comes first,'
Who are you to tell us that our lives have been wasted
And all that we fought for has turned into dust?"

I was only a lad, when we read that in Russia
The workers, the Soviets, had taken all power
And the man they called Lenin, who led them, was our inspiration
His triumph was our finest hour

And I'll always remember how fear shook the wealthy
Like thieves who have just been caught out in their crime
But we, who had known only war and the workhouse
Rejoiced, as a new world was born at that time
You can't know what it meant, and the pride that we felt
To know working people, people like us
Could shake off the shackles, could topple the palaces
Remake the world without ruler or boss

It was this kept us going, this dream of a new world
Through all those dark years of defeat and despair
When we who were proud to proclaim ourselves communists
Fought for that world free from hunger and fear

It was down with the means test, no cuts in our wages
We want three pounds a week and the seven hour day!
And there wasn't a thing that we got, but we fought for it
Don't you know bosses give nothing away?

And the strikes and the marches, the battles to beat off
The bailiffs and coppers when hope was still young
Hot heads and hot hearts, as we tested our power
"The workers triumphant!" - that was our song

For a time, he was silent, and lost in his memories
Then, but more softly, his words came again -
Perhaps we hoped for too much, perhaps the cost was too much
There are things I know now that I couldn't know then

We believed revolution was just round the corner
And we were the vanguard to bring it about
And the other left parties we classed as class traitors
Bourgeois social fascists, of that we no doubt!
And then the times changed, we campaigned for the popular front
The old line might never have been
But we led the workers in combating fascism
Mosley in London and Franco in Spain

We believed we were history's chosen
And Soviet Russia, our future, our heart and our soul
And the Five Year Plan was a vision of plenty
For us who'd lived half of our lives on the dole

We knew of the trials and purges of course
And were shocked when we heard those old comrades confess
But, yes, we defended the first worker's state
In the face of the slander and lies of the press

And you, who have nothing at all to believe in
Oh you, who's motto is 'money comes first,'
Who are you to tell us that our lives have been wasted
And all that we fought for has turned into dust?

You may think we were duped, well we paid for our dreams-
Broken lives, broken marriages, jobs lost and jail
Some lost heart and left, some betrayed us for medals
There are always some turncoats who's souls are for sale
But the best of us never surrendered our vision
And we kept the faith through the bleakest defeat
Do you think that was easy, surrounded by hatred
The sneer of indifference, the hurt of deceit?

And our lives were made rich by the cause that we fought for
The friendship the fellowship, sharing one pain
To transform society, end exploitation
And that day will come yet, but not in my time

And again he was silent, and what could we tell him?
That the world now was different, that he'd had his day?
That an old man's dreams were not our concern?
But still, there was something he wanted to say-

Now when I look back, I see what we fought against-
Homelessness, hunger, injustice and war
But what did we fight for? What dream did we strive for?
I used to know once, now I'm no longer sure

But you, who have nothing at all to believe in
Oh you, who's motto is 'money comes first,'
Who are you to tell us that our lives have been wasted
And all that we fought for has turned into dust?

He was one of those lonely old men
Who lived in the past, telling stories you don't want to know
About how it was then, the hunger, the hardship
The hopes and the struggles of so long ago

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