What’s people predictions?
I think loads of seast will change hands, but most likely we’ll be roughly where we are now, overall, with the only conceivable majority being for the Tories, which wouldn’t shock me - unless it was a large one. Labour haven’t got a chance imo.
I reckon a lot of people are underestimating the potential impact of the youth vote. If they can be arsed voting!
I think there will be a massive shock and we will see an almost unimaginable very large Tory majority. It is exactly what May was predicted to achieve a couple of years ago but she messed up the campaign.
Labour are there for the taking because they have appealed to their base and 'movement' instead of the wider public. They will risk 52% of their vote with their Brexit ideas but they are being outgunned on credibility by the Tories and Lib Dems who just care more about it.
I just don't know how they think they can win by being irrelevant in the conversation on the most important issue the country has faced for decades.