I think there will be ultimately - as we see ever further use of AI and of robots, the value of human effort will be steadily diminished with a corresponding concentration of increasing wealth in a smaller and smaller group of people. Ultimately it will snap. But I think this is many decades away.
Clive Lewis was on just now decrying the existence of any billionaires at all. Whilst I get his point about the inequality and undesirability of seeing people sleeping rough whilst a few have a billion, he hasn't really thought it through. Billionaires don't become billionaires overnight. First they have millions and then tens of millions. And if you start taxing them too much, they bugger off. Or maybe they just stop growing their business and creating new jobs because they can't be arsed because the rewards for doing so will be taken away. So the idea we can simply take millions more off these people is flawed.
Until there is global coordination about this, any unilateral efforts on our part would be counter productive. They might make the left feel a bit better that they had "punished" the rich. But that is all
Becoming Norway or something similar should be where we want to go but what certain folk cannot understand is this is not what is on offer from Labour. We need to accept capitalism, embrace it and use it to it's maximum to fund greater social ideas.
My massive worry with Labour is with people like Mcdonnell who has done exceptionally well to disguise the fact that he is a very dangerous individual. He comes across as moderate in public but on many occasions he has shown how extreme he is.
What Mcdonnell would do to the country is nothing like Norway, he wants a Soviet Union. His language also reflects the Soviet Union, use of words like insurrection, assassination and force are just not regular for a wooly socialist.
This is why Labour would never get my vote and I won't even get started on how incompetents like Diane Abbott or any of the others who would oversee an absolute shambles.
I don't mind people like Starmer or Thornberry but again these are probably the people who would be Tories had they not gone to private school and particular universities.