General Election June 8th

Who will you vote for at the General Election?

  • Conservatives

    Votes: 189 28.8%
  • Labour

    Votes: 366 55.8%
  • Liberal Democrats

    Votes: 37 5.6%
  • SNP

    Votes: 8 1.2%
  • UKIP

    Votes: 23 3.5%
  • Other

    Votes: 33 5.0%

  • Total voters
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Yet another example of many on the left saying that if you vote Tory then the only reason you've done so is because you've been brainwashed by the right-wing media.

I've got an idea that might help those lefties..... how about listening to other people with different views to you and accepting that they hold those different viewpoints. Then, debate with them about their views to see if you can change their minds rather than just accusing them of not being capabale of independent thought.

Go on, give it a try. I won't be holding my breath in this one mind.

Exactly, having one time been a member of the labour party, voted labour and lib dems and not voted last time. I expect i will be voting Tory this time (for the first time) because I believe at this time a very left wing weak govt would not be ideal for the country as there are so many challenges we face. that said I will read the manifestos and come to a view.

I therefore find it astonishing that the latest mantra of the lefties is that those who vote Tory are brainwashed by the media and are only doing so because of the Daily Mail etc.

I would suggest that it is not the people voting Tory who are brainwashed but those who come out with the same old nonsense. I have voted Labour and always will. My dad voted labour so I will, The Tories are evil and Nazis - how can people from Manchester ever vote Tory etc etc etc . Maybe its them who have been brainwashed.

Voting a certain way (irrespective of policies or leadership or that period of time in history) would seem to suggest brainwashing.
I therefore find it astonishing that the latest mantra of the lefties is that those who vote Tory are brainwashed by the media and are only doing so because of the Daily Mail etc.
It's a constant throughout threads like these, anyone who hasn't swallowed leftist thought, or, as in my case,
swallowed it years ago but regurgitated it, must be totally influenced by the 'Right wing media.'
It's fast becoming the left's comfort blanket now, as it's repeated by many nowadays, as bewilderment, that their
mantra gets rejected by more and more folk, gets replaced by impotent fury.
I'd vote Tory if they came out on the campaign trail saying "we're going to fuck you over". That's how low my trust in labour is.

Onwards and upwards with Maggette.
Regardless of how that bit is viewed, I'm surprised that the higher rate is that large a proportion, with the 50% bracket getting on for as much as the 40% bracket total, and the 40% bracket close to the basic rate. Even viewing the basic rate part as I had, it's not going to change things noticeably.
I'm not mate, we covered it during my undergraduate days in economics and again with fiscal and monetary policy as part of my professional qualifications.
Daily Mail's take on energy price caps depending on who suggests them.


What surprises you about that? (Other than Joanna having fabulous looks apparently)
Don't think I expressed any surprise at all. Pretty standard stuff from the DM. I found it quite interesting though as it offered a rare direct comparison.
Has may met any real people yet? Maybe to explain why she has adopted a labour policy which she was against a few years ago. The daily mail crew wont worry of course, its tory at any cost as bill states. Its funny how some on here deride the left regardless of what corbyn promises then accuse others of being brainwashed!
home from work and read the replies to my post that yes I admit was part light hearted while sat on a bus and got the responses I expected.

As right or reply to points made in response.

  • Never claimed the beeb were right wing, just that sadly their record the last several years, is to follow a more sensational angle for political and general reporting, hence my UKIP love in remark, which is true, they saw 5-6 years ago a small crank like party with a larger than life leader and have obsesses with them every since, same goes for the corbyns a marxist trying to turn the country. I just wished political journalism was about facts not sensationalism.
  • Why if they didn't like corbyn would they pretend to? I never did when jackie pearcey knocked on my door campaigning and she was annoying me with her standard replies, so I shut the door on her, corbyn wasn't with them when they spoke to me, so they could have called him what they liked after the fact.
  • yes the rich pay more direct tax, but when you factor inderect tax it is the poorest in society who ultimately pay more in ratio to pay and cost of living
  • On tne left cry media bias point, we do have a media that leans more to the right and that's undeniable, bu in a technological and social media age all angles and views can be expressed and I don't care or moan about it so no conspiracy theory on my part.Secondly on that if you think that people are not influenced by media and brands etc, for example at work last year we had a coffee shop and it took a reasonable amount around £200-£300 a day, in the summer after consultation with cuatomers it was re-branded and we signed up for a proud to serve starbucks service. same customer base as before it's now taking £800- £900 as a branded well known service.
  • The politics of envy jibe, please I couldn't give 2 fucks if you are a rich or poor, I have been comfortably well off in my time and on my arse at others, but I do believe those who are better off have a duty to help the less fortunate. Another example from my own experience, at 19 I went travelling to asia and ended up in a village in issan where they had no mains water, and most were schleping 1.5 miles to a tap, (this was pre taksin who depsite his failings brought water to most villages) so I asked the people I was staying with how much would a well and pump cost? It was about £80, so I paid for it because I could afford it and they needed that more than I needed a couple of more weeks travelling, could I afford it now? probably not as much as then, would I do it again? yes because it's the right thing to do in my eyes. It's not about envy, but what you believe is the right thing to do. Also in my travels I have lived and associated with millionaires and people with fuckall, tories and labour supporters, socialists, liberals and capitalist, and alway had healthy debate, sadly this seems to sadly be lacking more and more though as the looney left, bog eyed marxist or right wing loon and facist crank insults get thrown around rather than a proper answer to a geniune comment opinion.
Anyway no one is the same and all people believe how society should work differently, I find the present form of capitalism and toryism bad for the people of this country, others believe the opposite, each to their own, vote for what you believe, either way whoever wins someone in society won't be happy.
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