General Election June 8th

Who will you vote for at the General Election?

  • Conservatives

    Votes: 189 28.8%
  • Labour

    Votes: 366 55.8%
  • Liberal Democrats

    Votes: 37 5.6%
  • SNP

    Votes: 8 1.2%
  • UKIP

    Votes: 23 3.5%
  • Other

    Votes: 33 5.0%

  • Total voters
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Been saying for a while now that I believe May is going to drag the Tories to take centre ground that has been vacated by Labour

People are obsessing about her being right wing and a 'kipper' - but that is them being confused due to the transfer to her from UKIP

Labour could be in the wilderness for a good stretch
German and french rail strikes have been common place in the last few years.
You just haven't noticed them.

Yeah but the trains still piss on ours, best rail Journeys recently have been on Italian and German trains, funded in part due to our own rail system.

When you see the likes of northern rail and it's pitiful service and decrepid trains owned 50% by the dutch whose are raking in money in subsidies, you know our system is broken

Yes british rail was shite in the end, but just like the tories are doing now with the nhs, a systametic plan.
Underfund till it's on it's arse.
Demoralize staff to the point of leaving or striking.
Come out say private funding will help it and then flog the fucker off.
To sweeten the provate firms offer massive subsidies amd watch, what could have been treasury profits go to some pribate individual or company.

Add to that todays death tax, and vision for a great meritocracy, anyone unless the top 3-5% in this country are just crazy to vote in these bastards (and yes I have kept out of personal attacks on them in general but fuck me there are bastards).

Seems they are so convinced that they have it in the bag they are now going fuck it we wil do any old shit to you and we dare the nation to vote us out knowing it won't probably happen
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German and french rail strikes have been common place in the last few years.
You just haven't noticed them.

Ok, so just like here then.

From 2009-2103 Germany had half the strikes of the UK, but France had 7 times as many. Therefore there is zero correlation between public and private ownership.
Because it's my money and the welfare on offer is not commensurate with what is paid in. Tax has a place but when it's up over 50% then it stops being fair.

As an example, my father ran a successful business for many years, fell ill and had to sell his business at an inopportune time. He'd always reinvested his profits into his company and if he'd sold it a few years earlier or few years later then he'd have had sufficient to comfortably retire on. As it is, he's 72 and receives just over £1,100 gross per month from his various state pensions yet he paid tax at the highest rate for decades and employed 20 odd people for all that time. My mother receives £64 per month as she was an unofficial secretary/housewife and thus didn't get a large number of qualifying NI years.

That's a crap return for what was actually pod into the system. I urged them to call the DSS or whatever it's called now and find out if they qualify for anything, and they don't apart from a modest council tax reduction. So I send a couple of grand back to the UK each month and have done since I emigrated to supplement their household income and to allow them some sense of freedom. If I was in the U.K., I wouldn't have the disposable income to do that.

If tax monies were well spent then there's a good argument for it, but on the whole, it isn't well spent. There's too much wastage. There's too much spent on defence for pointless wars, £13bn on foreign aid (including some countries with a fucking space programme), £20bn lost through public sector fraud, £1.2bn in CAP payments to foreign farmers. As I say, I understand a country has to provide protection, roads, schools, healthcare and the like to its citizens, but I don't see why grants of £92,000 on a skip covered in flashing lights by the arts council or why the FCA paid £50,000 for a logo change that would have taken anyone on here less than two minutes on Microsoft Publisher.
Because it's my money and the welfare on offer is not commensurate with what is paid in. Tax has a place but when it's up over 50% then it stops being fair.

As an example, my father ran a successful business for many years, fell ill and had to sell his business at an inopportune time. He'd always reinvested his profits into his company and if he'd sold it a few years earlier or few years later then he'd have had sufficient to comfortably retire on. As it is, he's 72 and receives just over £1,100 gross per month from his various state pensions yet he paid tax at the highest rate for decades and employed 20 odd people for all that time. My mother receives £64 per month as she was an unofficial secretary/housewife and thus didn't get a large number of qualifying NI years.

That's a crap return for what was actually pod into the system. I urged them to call the DSS or whatever it's called now and find out if they qualify for anything, and they don't apart from a modest council tax reduction. So I send a couple of grand back to the UK each month and have done since I emigrated to supplement their household income and to allow them some sense of freedom. If I was in the U.K., I wouldn't have the disposable income to do that.

If tax monies were well spent then there's a good argument for it, but on the whole, it isn't well spent. There's too much wastage. There's too much spent on defence for pointless wars, £13bn on foreign aid (including some countries with a fucking space programme), £20bn lost through public sector fraud, £1.2bn in CAP payments to foreign farmers. As I say, I understand a country has to provide protection, roads, schools, healthcare and the like to its citizens, but I don't see why grants of £92,000 on a skip covered in flashing lights by the arts council or why the FCA paid £50,000 for a logo change that would have taken anyone on here less than two minutes on Microsoft Publisher.

That slightly warmed the cockles. There's hope for you yet mate...
For the past umpteen years, the Tories have striven to increase inheritance tax, with the deeply held believe that it is right and proper thing to do. That parents and grandparents should be able to leave their estate to their children.

These latest proposals on the cost of care, basically piss all over this. What on earth is the point in having higher inheritance tax limits, if the value of your home gets "spent" on your own care costs?!!

This being the case, there is no way on this God's earth that May would get any of this through parliament. So she's gambling that if it's in the manifesto, and she wins, she'll be able to drive it through, saying "it's in the manifesto, it's what the people voted for". But this is a huge gamble, at very best, she's going to trash her majority with this dire manifesto. She's a fucking devious or incompetent harpy, and I am not sure which one. Given her catalogue of fuck ups so far, maybe the latter.

I've been passionate about politics and voted Tory at every opportunity for the past 40 years and yet even I am really struggling vote Tory this time around. I think I will probably just write obscenities on my ballot paper.
And as the tax burden increases the value add from those people will decrease. I have dabbled very close with starting a business myself over the last few years but I will think again if it isn't worth it because a Corbyn government gets in and clobbers me to death before I even get going. A truly visionary Labour would see the benefits of startups and help them, his increase in the minimum wage and zero policies for startups and business would mean in the end I probably wouldn't bother.

So we can increase the tax burden on these people and feel good about ourselves but ultimately will an ever greater tax burden encourage people to create wealth, jobs and invest? I doubt it. Naturally Corbyn does not represent these people anyway so he couldn't give a toss about business or the middle classes.

I am not saying tax should be reduced but there is a point where one group is paying enough and maybe if the deficit is still there then someone is not doing the sums properly. Instead of increasing tax maybe Labour should think if we really need to waste money nationalising things like water. I would be pretty miffed if I started a business and lost all my profits in tax and it was sunk (literally) into buying out bloody United Utilities!

I've run my own business for over ten years and made a wage every week. I now employ a 19 year old and give him a tenner an hour. It means i get less income but i still earn enough. I'm happy with that.
Tories have now put deficit elimination back to 2025 (or not as the case will probably be).
Fcuk knows what the national debt will be by then , probably two trillion.
This is supposed to be their area of competence over Labour.
Ever thought you've been had Tory boys?
Fcuking con artists, yet you still fall for it.
So the twats are taking peoples houses again to pay for their social care after they have paid into the system all their lives. The £100,000 threshold is ridiculously low and penalises the poorer in society.
So do I get this right if I have to go into a home I don't have to sell my house but once I do they can then take it in payment what about leaving it to my daughter in my will?
Re this recent news on funding of social care - surely everybody with aging parents who have assets will ensure action is taken so that they are transferred to the children so that the parents only show 99k worth of assets
Interesting you're suggesting that parents will dodge this tax.
Which suggests it won't work.
And yet it is a major plank of the Tory policy to pay for social care.
In the same way that the media have jumped all over Jezza's proposals to raise tax saying it won't work, is this any different?
Awaiting the forensic examination of the proposal by the media as we speak ( NOT).
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