General Election June 8th

Who will you vote for at the General Election?

  • Conservatives

    Votes: 189 28.8%
  • Labour

    Votes: 366 55.8%
  • Liberal Democrats

    Votes: 37 5.6%
  • SNP

    Votes: 8 1.2%
  • UKIP

    Votes: 23 3.5%
  • Other

    Votes: 33 5.0%

  • Total voters
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Generally televised debates are favoured by anyone behind in the polls and resisted by anyone ahead, for obvious reasons. As such there should be laws governing these thing, it does turn into a bit of a circus, how many people take part, which channel etc.

My political beliefs aside I am a naysayer, I don't want presence tial style politics, I don't care who is master of the sound bite and I don't care who has the whitest teeth. If we are going to have to suffer them let's put rules in place.
Does anyone have thoughts either way on TV debates?

I think the biggest risk for May in not taking part is that she's relying on Paul Nuttall to fight the hard Brexit case which might turn out very badly.

The problem this time compared to 2015 is that the dynamics created by the possibility of a hung parliament will be missing. The SNP will only be bothered about the next referendum, with no real interest in arguing the toss with Corbyn. The Lib Dems will only be bothered about Brexit.

They could be very dull.
I think the biggest risk for May in not taking part is that she's relying on Paul Nuttall to fight the hard Brexit case which might turn out very badly.

The problem this time compared to 2015 is that the dynamics created by the possibility of a hung parliament will be missing. The SNP will only be bothered about the next referendum, with no real interest in arguing the toss with Corbyn. The Lib Dems will only be bothered about Brexit.

They could be very dull.

I agree, I think they will be very dull if they happen

Anyone who has watched PMQs over the past 9 months will be sick to the back teeth of Labour, SNP and Lib Dems constantly banging the same, agenda driven, drum

If May let's them argue amongst themselves, is there not an argument to say that the other parties will do themselves more harm than good as there will be no PM to argue with. As they appear to have very little to say, they could put potential voters off?
May could not use the sneering ad hom that is her sole device in PMQ in a debate.
When she has to think on her feet about issues she is usually very poor.
I think you have been reading the Guardian too much. JC's performance at QT is invariably lacklustre, poor and rarely hits home. The problem with the debates are that politicians say what they want and nobody ever challenges their statements with facts that are proved. TM could say that 1m more people are in work than 5 years ago and JC will say that isn't true. When there is no independent source readily available to help the electorate these debates are pointless. They even disagree about which source is correct when quoting figures. How can a treasury source be wrong for arguments sake. If there was one source that everyone has to stick by then at least we, the voters, would know a little more about who is telling the truth

Very seldom read an article from the guardian as it is too right wing for me, but what cannot be denied is that the tax revenue is not as it would be if all these great new jobs were actually really, the waiting lists for housing and the NHS are higher than they were before the tories came to power, public transport infrastructure isn't fit for purpose, education is failing future generations & the police, prisons & public services in general are in a very bad state.
The next 7 weeks will be VERY INTERESTING.
May could not use the sneering ad hom that is her sole device in PMQ in a debate.
When she has to think on her feet about issues she is usually very poor.

But is much thinking on feet necessary in these debates? I'm sure all questions will be put to them beforehand and answers rehearsed.
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