General / Mental Health Support Thread

There's a local walk-in I keep meaning to go to.
But getting up is becoming a terrible struggle.
If you are severely depressed the first hour or two after waking are extremely tough.
Many years ago, my sister went through a very similar thing. I won’t say the same because everyone’s situation or experience or however you want explain it is different. She has several bouts but one was particularly bad. When she eventually got through and was well again. She opened up to me a little and said she asked her doctor will she ever get better and stop feeling the way she did. He replied she would but he just couldn’t put a date on it. My sister said that little snippet gave her a tiny bit of hope to cling on to. Although it’s tough for you at the minute, just keep something to cling on to, to try and focus on. Also, go to the local walk in place, don’t mean to go….go, they will definitely help you.
I’ve got a few new medical issues over the last few years to add to my mental health ones. Currently awaiting blood test results including PSA test for some prostatic symptoms. It’s hard to stay positive all the time and even putting shit jokes online can only go so far
Well, it’s not much, but I always laugh at your jokes;)
I’ve got a few new medical issues over the last few years to add to my mental health ones. Currently awaiting blood test results including PSA test for some prostatic symptoms. It’s hard to stay positive all the time and even putting shit jokes online can only go so far
Can sympathise as have had similar problems re prostate since October last year. Had my blood tests re PSA on Tuesday. Have added complication of a works disciplinary hanging over me since start of March also. Despite repeated requests for more information from HR and management I still don't know the exact allegation. Not doing my mental health any good but trying to remain positive and life could be a lot worse
I’ve got a few new medical issues over the last few years to add to my mental health ones. Currently awaiting blood test results including PSA test for some prostatic symptoms. It’s hard to stay positive all the time and even putting shit jokes online can only go so far
Feel free to Pm me on any concerns on PSA and prostate problems. If you need a chat please don’t hesitate, I’m no expert but I think i enough if need a talk about this pal.
Got an extra couple of hours sleep last night , awake from 3 am but the painkillers worked better than the nite before so better , went out this morning , just to tesco but via the seafront which was nice , thanks for the support yesterday , i really needed it x
So glad to hear you got more sleep and today has been better!

Hopefully our lads help your day become even more enjoyable.

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