General / Mental Health Support Thread

I haven’t eaten since Sunday. NBM at the moment but I think I’m going on to basic food today.

Recovery is worse than the op itself. The medication can really whack you out.
I was on NBM for two weeks a few years ago in hospital. I couldn't even drink water. My tongue felt like carpet. DEAD thirsty. Such a relief to finally get a cup of tea ;) Is the TV still so expensive?
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MCFC Wirrill at the moment!

Stoma reversal yesterday after a five hour operation. I’m pushing the morphine button every six minutes and even the slightest cough is making pain.

Whilst I’m over the worst, I’ve another day or two of this.

Keep me in your thoughts, please.
Jimbo I hope your road to recovery is swift my friend
It’s so tough mate. Lost my dad aged 54. Knock on the door at 6am - sorry your dad had a heart attack (was a taxi driver and happened whilst working). Then had to tell my mum and sister. To this day I’m not over it and never will be. Losing a parent is fucking hard no matter what age.
You’re right there and that’s no age. It’s thirty odd years since I lost both my parents, both in their middle sixties. Tomorrow is my Dad’s birthday, if he would be alive, he would have been 100 years old tomorrow.
I might have to go to hospital myself.
I've hit a really really low point.
Stuff from my past I thought I'd terms with.
The darkness of this world is unbelievable.
Thank god spring is almost here.
In the last 30 days or so, my Mum died who I looked after for 20 years, I've got to find somewhere else to live and my long term relationship has very possibly broken down which means after rebuilding for a second time then I might be broke and serving Big Macs soon.

They say it comes in threes. Wish it didn't lads.
I very sorry for your loss and to hear you are going through all of this all at once. It can be difficult to see a way out when bad situations seem to pile on. But there is almost always a path out and forward. And blues on here can help remind you of that (and also help keep you on that path).

Please feel free to reach out via PM if you ever just need to get things out. I have been in a similar place a couple of times in my life, including recently, and know how helpful it can be to have a person separate from it all to just listen without agenda or judgement.

Hoping things improve for you so you can get some respite.
Thanks mate, currently sitting with him, and old woman who's 90 no family and not sure why she's here, a drunk who's been sick 3 times and some guy with police who says his dad stabbed him (he's got hand bandaged and blood running out of it)
How are you doing? Have things settled down a bit?
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I might have to go to hospital myself.
I've hit a really really low point.
Stuff from my past I thought I'd terms with.
The darkness of this world is unbelievable.
Thank god spring is almost here.
I am sorry you are struggling right now. I think it is a tough time for many and I agree the world can seem very dark at times these days. But it is not actually as dark as it seems and there are good things in your life, they just may be difficult to recognise or focus on at the moment. The situation will improve—don’t let your lying mind convince you otherwise.

And please do not hesitate to seek out help—that is the responsible and healthy thing to do. You don’t have to deal with everything by yourself. We are here to support you, as are mental health resources in your area.
I might have to go to hospital myself.
I've hit a really really low point.
Stuff from my past I thought I'd terms with.
The darkness of this world is unbelievable.
Thank god spring is almost here.
Stay strong blue. We can help each other. I've just had to tell my daughter, my mum's got cancer. I am in bits but it happens. The stats are stacked against some people. My wife committed suicide 2 weeks before Xmas. We were estranged but my step sons needed my help big time . Pm me if you want to talk . I might need it more than you
I might have to go to hospital myself.
I've hit a really really low point.
Stuff from my past I thought I'd terms with.
The darkness of this world is unbelievable.
Thank god spring is almost here.

I hope the feelings pass mate, the only way to deal with feelings are to get help to brutally confront them so they are easier to deal with when they arise again.
How are you doing? Have things settled down a bit?
I hit low point Saturday (my birthday). I'd nothing left to give. Sat with him from about 1 to 5 then went home for the game. Had few beers opened some gin and a few with some music on after football. Sunday didn't move just sat in sofa mentally and physically exhausted. He has pneumonia and a urine infection. Now on a ward.

We had to cancel weekend away for my birthday so went with partner for a walk in countryside on Monday and stopped off a country pub for some food. I'm refreshed and recharged again after couple days break not doing much and not going to work.

I'd spent all day on the Sunday with him (about 9 in morning to about 7) after he fell. Weds (4am) got call he'd fallen again so went over there (only few mins away ) and stayed with him until about 7 in evening (worked from there). Then Thursday on works night out got message he'd been rushed in and went straight to A&E sitting with him until about 4 or 5 in morning. Home bed, woke about 8, showered breakfast and went back to hospital. Sat with him until about 7. Home, ate and bed again. Thanks for asking but as I say things looking little better.

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