Well-Known Member
No firearm does not mean, nor should it imply, no threat to life.
Any police officer faced with a physical threat is ALSO faced with the knowledge that if their weapon is taken from them, it will most likely be used against them.
Ive discussed this before. This is not bringing a gun to a knife fight or even bringing a gun to a fist fight. It is upholding the law and ensuring the life of the officer who is attempting to do do is NEVER brought into question. The second it is, he is justified in the use of his weapon.
This is UNDERSTOOD by most people, and it is only the most brazen threat that, in the face of a drawn firearm in the hands of a law enforcement officer, does not comply with instructions to de-escalate the situation, that ANY THREAT to an officer may be met by deadly force.
You don’t need ANY weapon to create that situation, which is why this notion (perpetuated here and in most media outlets) that “unarmed man” represents no clear and present danger to the situation is ridiculous.
When you are holding out your arms with a firearm, you can’t let an assailant simply run at you and tackle you, simply because he is “unarmed.”
America is America, and the norms and morays are not what they are in England, or elsewhere. Sooner or later, the world is going to have to come to terms with that.
And I think what YOU fail to understand is that it is HIGHLY unlikely another demographic gets away with using an officer's weapon against them without getting gunned down 'justifiably'! HIGHLY unlikely that another demographic gets away with charging at a police officer without being gunned down 'justifiably'.
And yet, we see, plain as day on cam just that very thing.
These officers chose 'unconscious bias ' and the perps ended up agitating against the police, who failed in their duty to uphold the law equally.