Get a grip!

nobody can eat fifty eggs said:
I agree. I think it will take up to a season to click into place. It looks to me like the players are too relaxed at the moment under Pellegrini's charge but I think this will change for he does have a reputation of not suffering fools gladly. He'll sort us out but it may cost us the league this season I fear with him putting into place his ideas. Patience is the key and I hope he gets it from the club and the fans. He needs Vinny back on the pitch to motivate the side for him at the moment. We need to stay calm as fans.
I do too. I've said it quite a lot already this season but we've changed the way we played moreso than any top side has in this country for years. United haven't changed the way they play and Chelsea's transition from Benitez to Mourinho isn't nearly as great a change as what we're going through.

I think I will be months before we really click into gear consistently.

For me this season is a season's grace for Pellegrini. Whatever happens, happens (within reason). As long as he changes things when it really needs it, as long as he tries different things out to work out the best formula for this squad, I'll be happy with any top three finish this season.
We're only 3 games in for fuck sake..
We played shite,scored 2 goals and got 3 points..
United played shite,dropped 2 points and didn't score..
I don't understand the concern.....
manimanc said:
We're only 3 games in for fuck sake..
We played shite,scored 2 goals and got 3 points..
United played shite,dropped 2 points and didn't score..
I don't understand the concern.....

This and only this!
de niro said:
chesterguy said:
I do wonder if some fans have got so used to playing football manager and think that the real game should be the same

We used to moan about United not playing well and winning and say it was the sign of a team with a winning mentality we do it and its a sign that we are crap and the world is close to collapse

Obviously there are some issues but once the players are on the pitch he cant make Yaya sprint back to help his defence rather than his half walk half run shuffle that he did on Saturday

BUT we are three games in to a new season players are finding out about each other MP is finding out things about the players and it will take a little time but having seen his track record I am sure that he will get things right.

Ive been watching football a long time and whilst I grant you I've not been at any games not involving city but Manchester United have never to my knowledge played as badly as we did yesterday.
we can say its early days etc but that was totally unacceptable.there were some players out there considered some of he best in Europe . They couldn't pass, couldn't mark, some couldn't fucking run.
Hull should have been out of sight by the time we scored, you can bet your life united would have been, as would our European rivals.

How often over the last few years have the rags won by a late, scruffy goal, or a dodgy penalty or offside decision?

Very often, I would say.
Dribble said:
Mourinho and Ancelotti did the double in their first seasons with Chelsea. We are the deposed champions so the essence of our Championship winning squad still remains.

We fucked up royally last summer by not sufficiently backing Mancini and I still think that inspite of spendin £90m this summer, that we're still paying the cost for last summers transfer fuck-ups.

The isn't an anti Pellegrini post as I've supported every Manchester City manager we've ever had and only ever wanted Ball, Keegan and Pearce sacked when it was obvious their times were up, but Pellers has got to get a grip of this squad very very soon otherwise our season will be over before it's started.

I know we've only played three matches so far, but on the evidence of what I've seen so far, top four qualification will be a struggle unless we rapidly turn our performances around. Teams used to fear us and park the bus to our frustration. We all used to wish the opposition would come at us more to make the matches more open.

Sunderland were the first team to find an antidote to our possession play, but now other teams have sussed us out and are attacking us with pace on the break and matching us man-for man in midfield and out fighting us.

Worried? You're fuckin dead right I'm worried........

You have hit the nail my friend!
Spot on.
Couldn't get to Newcastle game so first home game of season. Drove 4 hours to get to ground. Dead excited, as always. What's going on?? Silence throughout....No wonder the Hull away crowd were telling us to 'sit down and read a book'. Doesn't anyone sing anymore? Or only when we're top? Away games are 90 minutes non-stop noise from the city lads & lasses. And, by the way, food service dreadful as ever..
chesterguy said:
de niro said:
chesterguy said:
I do wonder if some fans have got so used to playing football manager and think that the real game should be the same

We used to moan about United not playing well and winning and say it was the sign of a team with a winning mentality we do it and its a sign that we are crap and the world is close to collapse

Obviously there are some issues but once the players are on the pitch he cant make Yaya sprint back to help his defence rather than his half walk half run shuffle that he did on Saturday

BUT we are three games in to a new season players are finding out about each other MP is finding out things about the players and it will take a little time but having seen his track record I am sure that he will get things right.

Ive been watching football a long time and whilst I grant you I've not been at any games not involving city but Manchester United have never to my knowledge played as badly as we did yesterday.
we can say its early days etc but that was totally unacceptable.there were some players out there considered some of he best in Europe . They couldn't pass, couldn't mark, some couldn't fucking run.
Hull should have been out of sight by the time we scored, you can bet your life united would have been, as would our European rivals.

No you are quite right United are the best in the world and never play crap......... what utter drivel. It seems to me some fans are never happy unless they are moaning going into the matchday forum convinces me of that

I think you have to realise we wont play like we did against Newcastle which remember was just 2 games ago every week there will be up and downs whilst the squad beds in and MP finds the right formula which I am sure he will

The knee jerk reactions on here are quite funny to be honest.

Hull should have been out of sight you say yet they had no shots on target the whole match yes they had 1 one on one situation but out of sight do me a favour. Too many on here have media disease of knee jerk reactions. A player has one good game he is in the England squad (Barkley) one mistake and he is shit (Hart).

Why not have this discussion say after 10 games when a pattern has emerged is the performance against Newcastle the norm or Cardiff. But lets not forget last year the performances against Southampton and Wigan

united will have played poorly but if you for one second believe that a sir alex side would turn in that kind of display then you are totally deluded.
had hull or any other side had an aguero or dzeko in their team they would have buried us on that display of defending. who by the way had no protection from our two defensive (laughable) midfielders. quite why would need two dm's v hull at home I don't know, I suppose price tag gets you picked these days.
I don't expect a "Newcastle" every week, I expect a degree of consistantcy. though.

as for the moaning on a forum. well for one its here to have a debate, if you want a set of nodding dogs who all only see good in their side pop over to red tissue. the rags on there are unbelievable. the café is far more balanced.
lastly considering the time and money given to following city i'll say what the fuck I like, good or bad. yesterday we got out of jail, we may not be that lucky again.
manimanc said:
We're only 3 games in for fuck sake..
We played shite,scored 2 goals and got 3 points..
United played shite,dropped 2 points and didn't score..
I don't understand the concern.....

.....but they played Chelsea. We played Hull. There's a huge difference.

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