Get to the Etihad for the 2nd leg!

I'd estimate that up to 15,000 ST holders don't attend CL games in general just by going off the different faces around me at CL matches. It was the same for the Kiev game and that was in the South Stand singing section. That said, of those different faces very few were tourists and it was more a case of City fans that don't get to too many league games.

Maybe. It's hard to know. Depends where you sit I suppose too. Up until last season i was in padded seats and it was very touristy in there. Not so much in SS3. It does show that price is an issue to many fans though because very very few of the £299 ST holders in the SS3 are in CL cup scheme. That is seen by the number of empty seats on the planner on day 1 of sales. I would says it's less than 10%.

Maybe they should adopt a tiered approach for pricing like they do for ST. Top of SS3 £25 bottom of SS3 £35 etc

Who knows.
No Rag, frankly I would rather be one of the 17,000 hard core who turned up in Mel Machin's days, which I am, than lots of the moaning, whingers on here. Seems if people aren't knocking the club, whingeing about something or if a poster isn't in agreement with the rest of the masses on here then they must be a Rag. Mysterious!
So you're moaning about moaners and call fellow Blues wankers?
In this particular instance, it does chief.
I'm amazed at your ability to extract lines of text, repost them and even bold and underline stuff. Such masterly wizardry. Keep up the good work. Anyway, truce! I just simply have different views than you on ticket pricing and those who don't turn up. In the annoying Yank way, period.
It's kind of depressing everyone is arguing over whether to attend or not our biggest game of the season. It's sad (and I'm not solely blaming the fans who are disgruntled with the prices here, the club are to blame too) that we aren't all excitedly backing the boys and discussing how we are going to get behind them on Tuesday for such an important game, a game we have a firm advantage in but one which will be still very difficult to overcome. And without ALL the fans behind us we are at such a disadvantage!
I'm talking about Johnny come Lately types who want a ticket when it suddenly becomes the thing to be seen at. Every club has em.
The Johnny come lately types are the ones who will be getting the tickets, doubt if they are the ones moaning, the more long termers that get prices out then the better it is for them
None of those pre kickoff We Are City montage, none of those pre kick off stand shouting contest. None of those family outing activities. Get the stadium pitch black, an imposing Blue Moon no music needed. maybe a whispered blue moon. Come on City chants drowning the CL theme. Let zlatan feel like they can't wait to leg out from here.
First time we've ever got to this stage of a comp. and already talk of boycott's, rants against the club, people over-egging their own fan status because of their loyalty/'istry blah blah blah. If you don't want to go to the game for whatever reason - don't go. You have a choice. Attending football matches is an expensive past-time and it's not gonna change.
After the Kiev match there were dozens of posters calling City every name under the sun from the comfort of their armchairs who took exception (with assistance from the PTB) to me suggesting if they were such expert fans they should have been there and not making noise on here. Their excuses were shall we say.....imaginative.

The more I read comments on here the less I think that posters are not representative of most match going blues and more likely that those who threaten to walk out or not to go to matches, or not to renew season tickets have rarely if ever made a turnstile revolve.

I know that City fans have always enjoyed a moan and that the internet allows any Walter Mitty to post anonymously but this is getting ridiculous. No wonder the media finds it so easy to have a go at us. FFS let's all get behind the team instead of behind a keyboard.
Didn't have me by any bollocks fella! I just have more important things going on in a proper life rather than a sad one stuck on forums all day, I really couldn't be bothered with you. As for 3 weeks, you sound like the old timers at a match who has a disagreement with a younger kid, usual retort is "I've been going 40 years, what would you know?" Like time gives you any more valid an opinion,

To be honest, those that decide not to turn up we're probably better off without. Far from being the one's who generate the atmosphere they're more likely the ones who moan and groan at the players during the match, slag off Yaya after the first mistake, and only too happy to share their vast knowledge of the game to anyone within earshot rather than simply getting behind the lads.

If you can't get 'up' for this match there is seriously something wrong with your football supporting motivations imo

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