Get to the Etihad for the 2nd leg!

Realistically, could we sell this out with such a short time frame to shit a lot of seats?
Anybody against the pricing feel free to watch in on TV. There will be plenty to take your seat. Oh and the club will charge them more as non season card holder's. Club can't lose,only the objectors can.
That's the spirit. Pricing doesn't matter, because there's richer fans to take your place... everything that football fans should be dead set against. A job at City awaits you!
This thread is a fkin joke, sorry but what started off as a rallying call has turned out to be a gripe about ticket prices threeaad,,,, what the fucking fuck have City fans turned into... Maybe I missed something in this thread but seriously....... we got the media to contend with, bias against us all over the place, and now our own fans ?boycotting? games because of prices (That to be fair) are on a par with other teams in the prem.

Cmon guys, support your team, forget the prices bollox for once and support. Or just go away ffs. Please dont bring this neg to the semi's
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The Johnny come lately types are the ones who will be getting the tickets, doubt if they are the ones moaning, the more long termers that get prices out then the better it is for them
Maybe not a rag but you have slagged blues off since day one on here, strange for a 'long term' fan hey? You are also a hypocrite as you have criticised 'old timers' then tried to make your point using a typical 'old timer' comment. I presume you were at York away as well?I think your a WUM and definitely not a City fan personally but lets leave it at that mate.

And I still won't be going, said I wouldn't before the away leg and i'm not changing my mind because of the result. It's a corrupt corporate competition and I have no interest in attending personally.
Virtually everything in life is corrupt. Not a lot we can do about but exercise your right not to buy. Your choice.
So this is when the Johnny come latelys start buying tickets for CL is it? Your absence in the earlier rounds have made us a laughing stock. Nice one. If you're gonna jump on a moving roller coaster, please stay on the fucking thing until the end!
To be honest, those that decide not to turn up we're probably better off without. Far from being the one's who generate the atmosphere they're more likely the ones who moan and groan at the players during the match, slag off Yaya after the first mistake, and only too happy to share their vast knowledge of the game to anyone within earshot rather than simply getting behind the lads.

If you can't get 'up' for this match there is seriously something wrong with your football supporting motivations imo
At last, some sense, spot on!
Anybody against the pricing feel free to watch in on TV. There will be plenty to take your seat. Oh and the club will charge them more as non season card holder's. Club can't lose,only the objectors can.

Wrong on both counts
I will watch on telly, retain my fifty quid and spend it on something I believe is worthwhile and value for money
As for the club not missing out because it will gain the revenue. I posted earlier about us, the regular supporters being that vociferous element, the extra 2%,.the 12th man that could get the team over the line and the club would then reap the financial rewards from the semi
Realistically, could we sell this out with such a short time frame to shit a lot of seats?

Still time for that. Lots still to sell but there will be plenty of Parisians to take up the slack off the touts if needed. I imagine the touts are filling their boots for this one.

Please dont bring this neg to the semi's

The ones who are not buying due to price wont be there will they?

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