Girl cryogenically frozen

What if you woke up and the world was populated by cheeto faced ferret wearing shitgibbons that were descendants of the only survivors of a nuclear war in 2017?
"Take your stinking paws off me, you damned dirty ape!"

Imagine in the 50's if you'd have talked about the internet - you'd have sounded mad.
Not as mad as you would have sounded if you'd told people that by 2010 we'd all carry around a device smaller than a wallet that you could use to access any piece of information or data in the public domain worldwide and talk to anyone, anywhere in the world and that we used these devices to send each other pictures of cats and tell the world what we had for breakfast.
Be a massive shock when in 100 years the entire world will be dystopian. no harm in trying though if you're already dying I suppose.
Exactly. Who is this girls father to tell her she can't even take a punt at it. He's been absent for the majority of her life then wants to deprive her a future. Sounds like an idiot to me.
What if you woke up and the world was populated by cheeto faced ferret wearing shitgibbons that were descendants of the only survivors of a nuclear war in 2017?
I reckon Keith Richards would still be knocking about as well tbh.
Exactly. Who is this girls father to tell her she can't even take a punt at it. He's been absent for the majority of her life then wants to deprive her a future. Sounds like an idiot to me.

Dont know anything about their personnel situation or reasons why hes been absent, could be selfish reasons, maybe he is worried about paying for upkeep or probably thinks it's a load of old bollicks, but think he has a bit of a point as well. If she does wake up in what will be a completely new world shes going to be 14 years old, no money, possibly little or no memory, no reletaives, and not sure how she pays to have cancer treatment or if they have a program to help her settle back into life. Still at least she got some hope on her final days.
There is less than the square root of fuck all chance of this EVER working.

Once your brain has turned to mush, there's no getting in back. Yes, we can freeze your body and we'll definitely be able to fix/replace the broken bits. That is pretty much guaranteed.

But your brain is a living organ of which the cells start dying as soon as the oxygen supply stops and once it's gone, your gone. It's like the ram in your computer and once the power goes, I don't care if it's the Krell super race trying to revive what was in there, it's LOST.

The only hope I would suggest would be to put people into deep chill (not freeze) BEFORE they have died. So when you have a terminal illness, maybe 1 week before you will probably die, they'd induce a coma, drop your body temperature right down and keep your blood pumping artificially at the equivalent of about 4 beats per minute, with your body at maybe 4C. It may be possible to keep someone alive like this for many years, and hopefully if you could do it for say 30 or 40 years then perhaps a cure might exist for whatever was killing them.

Critically, their brain would still be alive, so there COULD be a chance this might work. But cryogenic freeze after you are dead? You might as well put your body in a blender and hope to revive it. No flipping chance whatsoever.

(That's assuming that in 500 years, the people looking after the human ice lollies don't get bored and switch the machine off anyway.)

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