Girl cryogenically frozen

There is less than the square root of fuck all chance of this EVER working.

Once your brain has turned to mush, there's no getting in back. Yes, we can freeze your body and we'll definitely be able to fix/replace the broken bits. That is pretty much guaranteed.

But your brain is a living organ of which the cells start dying as soon as the oxygen supply stops and once it's gone, your gone. It's like the ram in your computer and once the power goes, I don't care if it's the Krell super race trying to revive what was in there, it's LOST.

The only hope I would suggest would be to put people into deep chill (not freeze) BEFORE they have died. So when you have a terminal illness, maybe 1 week before you will probably die, they'd induce a coma, drop your body temperature right down and keep your blood pumping artificially at the equivalent of about 4 beats per minute, with your body at maybe 4C. It may be possible to keep someone alive like this for many years, and hopefully if you could do it for say 30 or 40 years then perhaps a cure might exist for whatever was killing them.

Critically, their brain would still be alive, so there COULD be a chance this might work. But cryogenic freeze after you are dead? You might as well put your body in a blender and hope to revive it. No flipping chance whatsoever.

(That's assuming that in 500 years, the people looking after the human ice lollies don't get bored and switch the machine off anyway.)

Spot on. Seeing as the brain is around 75% water freezing it and defrosting it would turn it to mush anyway.
I dont understand the reasoning for it, do they think that memorys can be frozen if you drop the temperature a bit!? If she ever did wake up she would be a lifeless vegetable at best
So, this girl isn't(wasn't) looking for a cure for cancer, she's looking for a cure for death. Sounds like whichever company is doing this will make a lot of money before anyone realizes that no one can be revived

Does anyone know if the family had a funeral?

All sounds very odd, not for me
There is less than the square root of fuck all chance of this EVER working.

Once your brain has turned to mush, there's no getting in back. Yes, we can freeze your body and we'll definitely be able to fix/replace the broken bits. That is pretty much guaranteed.

But your brain is a living organ of which the cells start dying as soon as the oxygen supply stops and once it's gone, your gone. It's like the ram in your computer and once the power goes, I don't care if it's the Krell super race trying to revive what was in there, it's LOST.

The only hope I would suggest would be to put people into deep chill (not freeze) BEFORE they have died. So when you have a terminal illness, maybe 1 week before you will probably die, they'd induce a coma, drop your body temperature right down and keep your blood pumping artificially at the equivalent of about 4 beats per minute, with your body at maybe 4C. It may be possible to keep someone alive like this for many years, and hopefully if you could do it for say 30 or 40 years then perhaps a cure might exist for whatever was killing them.

Critically, their brain would still be alive, so there COULD be a chance this might work. But cryogenic freeze after you are dead? You might as well put your body in a blender and hope to revive it. No flipping chance whatsoever.

(That's assuming that in 500 years, the people looking after the human ice lollies don't get bored and switch the machine off anyway.)

The way to go is just freeze your head because "experts" say it can be done and they have actually done it with a monkey. Who knows where medical technology will be in 100 200 years time? Also they have found the dna that causes ageing so in the future the ultra rich will have a baby who could live for over 150.

Source for your monkey claim?

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