Girl cryogenically frozen

thats crazy, we're going to have a massive global problem if it actually works. Everyone will want to live forever.
If it does work, even if in 1000 years, the time inbetween the second she died and the second she wakes back up will feel like nothing to her. Imagine how weird that would be! Closing your eyes surrounded by humans then opening a them a second later surrounded by robots or aliens.

I think the would present her reawakening with some empathy. Like a 2016 hospital ward with uniformed doctors and nurses. Only after getting used to being cured would they "reveal" anything to her.
That would be my guess. But like has been mentioned the A.I. and uploading memory technology will hopefully be available before I am 80. Even if its just mapping my brain so it can be later entered into a server. There will be countless virtual servers with countless uploaded people but the setting will have to be created - A copy of our world or do you want to be dropped in Skyrim? DO you want to be able to flit between worlds. Maybe that will be a paid for add on?
So many questions..
I mean, it sounds cool but if you were woken in 1000 years, everyone you know is dead, the entire culture of planet Earth is different, language would have evolved past the English we know today.

Death is part of life. I am scared to die but I'd rather die than do this.

Good that means my credit card debt will be wiped of...or a figure so big it broke the banks machines xD In fact, knowing my luck i would be awoken and immediately shot as the penalty for having over a million owed in interest is death. I would honestly love it, i think the best buzz i have had is mooching around strange new country's where i knew nobody, the feeling would be kinda similar i would assume.
I think the would present her reawakening with some empathy. Like a 2016 hospital ward with uniformed doctors and nurses. Only after getting used to being cured would they "reveal" anything to her.
That would be my guess. But like has been mentioned the A.I. and uploading memory technology will hopefully be available before I am 80. Even if its just mapping my brain so it can be later entered into a server. There will be countless virtual servers with countless uploaded people but the setting will have to be created - A copy of our world or do you want to be dropped in Skyrim? DO you want to be able to flit between worlds. Maybe that will be a paid for add on?
So many questions..

Have you seen the new Black Mirror episode "San Junipero"? Very similar to what you're saying, worth a watch
Snake oil folks!
She died of the big C.
That means her internal organs failed one by one until she asphyxiated and her heart stopped due to lack of oxygen.
You cannot jump start someone after that regardless how long you wait for science because as soon as her organs fail they start to decay.

But it's easy money for a con man to promise future world to idiots.
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