Girl cryogenically frozen

Snake oil folks!
She died of the big C.
That means her internal organs failed one by one until she asphyxiated and her heart stopped due to lack of oxygen.
You cannot jump start someone after that regardless how long you wait for science because as soon as her organs fail they start to decay.

But it's easy money for a con man to promise future world to idiots.

Correctamundo..... However, every star in Hollywood who tries to delay the ageing process with stevie wonder face lifts, will part with a measly 50k. The business model is for quick returns but effective...
Judge has called for "proper regulation" of cryonic preservation.

That's Brexit for you. More pointless regulations paid for by the taxpayer.

Its a disgrace. We've been shoving all out family members in the chest freezer in the garage for years, no problem
Snake oil folks!
She died of the big C.
That means her internal organs failed one by one until she asphyxiated and her heart stopped due to lack of oxygen.
You cannot jump start someone after that regardless how long you wait for science because as soon as her organs fail they start to decay.

But it's easy money for a con man to promise future world to idiots.
You obviously don't understand the whole point of cryrogenics.

She isn't frozen, she is cryrogenically preserved. That means she's stored in a container that's set to a very specific temperature which 'stops' all molecular/atomical movement. She doesn't start to decay, she doesn't get frozen, her body will be in exactly the same state until the science is available to 'resuscitate' her.

Now that we've got that out of the way. Imagine talking to someone who'd lived 200 years ago. They'd be utterly shocked at how impressive our science was now. The things we can do now are mostly unimaginable back then. Organ transplants spring to mind. Now with technology, science develops at an exponential rate. We're on the cusp of creating super A.I. that would be much, much more intelligent than humans could ever be. It would be the difference between a human's intelligence when compared to a chicken's for example. If we get that before 2100 AD (which nearly 100% of scientist who study it believe would be a conservative estimate) who knows what we could do.

There could be a machine you walk through that returns your body to it's physical peak. There would be a cure for every disease. Issues like starvation, poverty would be a thing of the past. We'd colonize the universe and beyond.

Humans have this unambitious thought process, where they can only see the world through their current view. Imagine in the 50's if you'd have talked about the internet - you'd have sounded mad.
Imagine being defrosted after 200 years.
City 150 titles.
Rags 11 ( 20 - 9 removed for cheating /financial irregularities! )
The way to go is just freeze your head because "experts" say it can be done and they have actually done it with a monkey. Who knows where medical technology will be in 100 200 years time? Also they have found the dna that causes ageing so in the future the ultra rich will have a baby who could live for over 150.

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