Girl cryogenically frozen

Please read this:

Come back to me after and tell me if your thoughts are the same.

I'm back.

You're still deluded. The article is the biggest pile of bullshit I've read in a long, long time. Suggest you have a read on some of the principles involved and then perhaps you might understand why it can NEVER work. For organs, fine. For your brain, nope, not ever.
I'm back.

You're still deluded. The article is the biggest pile of bullshit I've read in a long, long time. Suggest you have a read on some of the principles involved and then perhaps you might understand why it can NEVER work. For organs, fine. For your brain, nope, not ever.
They have recently done it with a brain in an animal. That's with modern day technology. Not 2150 AD technology.

Just read it. Enlighten yourself.
I'm back.

You're still deluded. The article is the biggest pile of bullshit I've read in a long, long time. Suggest you have a read on some of the principles involved and then perhaps you might understand why it can NEVER work. For organs, fine. For your brain, nope, not ever.
You don't half talk crap,did you ever think in your lifetime that organ transplants would be the norm or being awake whilst you have brain surgery or having your heart stopped whilst they operate on you? should i go on?
They have recently done it with a brain in an animal. That's with modern day technology. Not 2150 AD technology.

Just read it. Enlighten yourself.

A dead animal was it?

Did you actually read what I wrote at all? I guess not.

So I'll repeat myself for you. I said that if you tried to preserve a LIVING person, there could be some hope. But once your braincells have died, you are GONE. All the experiments you might wish to link to are about preserving living things, not resurrecting dead ones.
You don't half talk crap,did you ever think in your lifetime that organ transplants would be the norm or being awake whilst you have brain surgery or having your heart stopped whilst they operate on you? should i go on?

Yes, I did. These are trivial things. If you think you could ever resurrect a dead brain, you are also deluded.
Yes, I did. These are trivial things. If you think you could ever resurrect a dead brain, you are also deluded.
You have no idea what will be able to be done in 100 yrs time,they might be giving her a new brain and organs,to dismiss future technology because you can't do it now is nuts when you look back and see what has been achieved so far,if human life can be made in a test tube then anything is possible
You have no idea what will be able to be done in 100 yrs time,they might be giving her a new brain and organs,to dismiss future technology because you can't do it now is nuts when you look back and see what has been achieved so far,if human life can be made in a test tube then anything is possible

i dont think you're quite understanding what dead means. Where would this person memories, their sense of self etc be if their brain died? Once its dead thats it, game over. Technology in 100 years or 1000 years wont be able to change that

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