Girl cryogenically frozen

i dont think you're quite understanding what dead means. Where would this person memories, their sense of self etc be if their brain died? Once its dead thats it, game over. Technology in 100 years or 1000 years wont be able to change that
Haha i was a nurse for 20yrs and have been dead,albeit briefly myself,brain transplants might be the norm,anything could happen we just don't know,look back and see what modern medicine has achieved so far and it's reasonable to project the same advances going foward,every step starts somewhere,research into the brain has only just got started now,we only know what 10% of it does,90% yet to discover

I have left strict instructions to only defrost me after navas scores a goal
It all doesn't really sit comfortably with me. I understand maybe using it for medical reasons for example to see if they can cure a certain illness in years to come but for people to actually seek to be frozen and pay ££ to ensure that they're frozen just says it all about how each generation is becoming less humble or dignified.

Sounds like the future will be full of frozen no marks who have a huge sense of self importance and too much cash that they can't spend.
No, you don't understand the whole concept. Her organs are fucked in accordance to modern day science. They will either be treatable/replaceable/irrelevant in the future. It's something I've read up about and know a lot about. It's an ambitious idea, but one that makes sense.

No mate.
The patient has to be clinically dead before these charlatans can do anything. For a cancer patient to die the organs including the brain need to get to a point where they cannot produce a heart beat. That will be some time after the last breath and has to be long enough that when the cryo-salesmen start oxygenating the brain it does not revive the patient. You are not allowed to murder someone in order to freeze (yes I said it) them so a) they got to be dead enough for a doctor to sign them off and b) they have to be even more dead such that you don't accidentally revive them. All of that process has to take place at a core temperature high enough that they are not hypothermic.

Now, when people fall through frozen lakes and suffer cardiac arrest and hypothermia there is a very small chance that they may be revived beyond 30 minutes but it is very small and those few that are are likely to be in a vegetative state. That is healthy people with a sudden shock. Their organ function including the brain hasn't been deteriorating over a prolonged period. Anyone who has seen someone die of cancer will be aware of Agitated terminal delirium. This neurological symptom is the brain slowly loosing function and it's not fun to watch, trust me.

Whatever is being cryogenically preserved it is not the person who was alive and will never be.
Haha i was a nurse for 20yrs and have been dead,albeit briefly myself,brain transplants might be the norm,anything could happen we just don't know,look back and see what modern medicine has achieved so far and it's reasonable to project the same advances going foward,every step starts somewhere,research into the brain has only just got started now,we only know what 10% of it does,90% yet to discover

Tell me how a brain transplant into a dead person helps the dead person?
Just seen in the mail that a 27 year old women is on bail for having sex with a dog.

She must be barking mad.
Tell me how a brain transplant into a dead person helps the dead person?
It won't now because we don't have the medical science to do it but when you look back at the history of medicine and see what has been done it's reasonable to look foward and wonder if it can be done
This girl has done this for a chance in the future it might be worth it or it might not,just don't discount it is all i am saying

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