Girl cryogenically frozen

I know what their sales wank says. It's hokum!

Well, I'll leave it as this. If you get cremated, you have 0% chance of being resuscitated in the future, same if you're buried and left to decompose. The money you'd spend on this (realistically around a quarter of a million pounds) will be no good to you once you're pushing daisies so from what I've read about it, it's worth a punt. It just depends on how happy you're to die and whether you think death is some mythical beast that has a divine right over your destiny. I think the people who question it are pioneers as opposed to charlatans.

Let's agree to disagree.
You have no idea what will be able to be done in 100 yrs time,they might be giving her a new brain and organs,to dismiss future technology because you can't do it now is nuts when you look back and see what has been achieved so far,if human life can be made in a test tube then anything is possible

Sorry but I simply don't agree Karen. I don't know if you have a science background or not, but whilst we as a species continue to achieve amazing things, you have to differentiate between what is not possible because we have inadequate technology, from what is not possible because it is actually impossible, no matter what technology you have.

It is not simply a matter of developing ever more sophisticated technology and assuming that in so doing ANY arbitrarily difficult technical challenge can be surmounted. Some things are just not possible, period. Physics (which underpins all the natural sciences) does not go away with superior technology.
So this is only ever going to have legs if we can be certain that the physicality of thoughts and memories are secured during the freezing process - if it doesn't then you're going to be defrosted with a brain as empty as a newborn child... (or your average Rag)
i dont think you're quite understanding what dead means. Where would this person memories, their sense of self etc be if their brain died? Once its dead thats it, game over. Technology in 100 years or 1000 years wont be able to change that
What about people that have "died" and had their heart restarted after half an hour?

They were dead. Brain dead.
Sorry but I simply don't agree Karen. I don't know if you have a science background or not, but whilst we as a species continue to achieve amazing things, you have to differentiate between what is not possible because we have inadequate technology, from what is not possible because it is actually impossible, no matter what technology you have.

It is not simply a matter of developing ever more sophisticated technology and assuming that in so doing ANY arbitrarily difficult technical challenge can be surmounted. Some things are just not possible, period. Physics (which underpins all the natural sciences) does not go away with superior technology.
If this is possible anything is and yes it is a real story

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