Girl cryogenically frozen

A fool and their cash are easily parted.

It's disgusting what they're doing. But no different to the church promising eternal life while taking your money.

I wonder what kind of regulation this industry operates under. Does the government inspect often? Or is the only thing on ice the champagne for the people making money?
What exactly is the point of it all it's all emotionally driven bollocks anyway, even if it is possible to fully revive a human body in 500/1000 years time I ask again what is the fucking point.
even if we freeze some of our greatest scientists so they can continue their work in a 1000 years the chances are that what they perceive as fact now would be seen as utter drivel then, so who decides who's worth saving or is it only people with more money than sense that have the chance.
We live we die get over it and concentrate on the here and now.
also where are we gonna store all these popsicles.

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