Girl cryogenically frozen

It's interesting but personally I think the real way people will end up living longer is when we are able to transfer the human brain to a computer.

Building a conscious, thinking computer is imho a sure thing. Work on neural networks continues apace and given Moore's law and even more importantly the possibilities of workable quantum computing not too far distant, I think it's inevitable that we will be able to eventually build neural networks of sufficient complexity that they achieve limited consciousness. After that, it's simply a matter of time and incremental development until these "beings" are intelligent and ultimately more intelligent than us. Exciting stuff.

The bit that prevents your vision from being more tangible is that there's no way we can conceive of right now, to read the patients brain data in sufficient detail in order to "upload" them... even if we had something to upload them into. That's a HUGE and possibly insurmountable problem.
I'm just waiting for the Jeremy Kyle generation demanding this on the NHS and while they are frozen claiming benefits so when they wake up they will be multi millionaires
That last bit of your post is so wrong ,people donating their bodies to medical science so dr's could learn more about the body and for the medical students to learn on was frowned upon but is now no big deal,this is just another step into future research and i'm guessing will also be the norm,even if they can't be brought back to life then future medical research will benefit from their bodies

I'm talking more about the potential for people to just decide that they want to be frozen and thawed out X amount of years later, just because they can.

You know it'll happen. Most rich people are pretty egotistical and are arrogant enough to believe it'd be a good thing them being frozen and thawed in the future.

That's what I'm talking about, the process being used just because they can and nothing to do with medical science. However even from a medical point of view it's still a bit distasteful. Who decides who's worthy of being frozen and who's not not? An even bigger gap between those that have got cash and those that have not will be an effect also.

Fucking about with nature is weird and long term will probably cause more harm than good.
Once full sentient A.I. is achieved, controlled and harnessed we will be able to get the answers and procedures to do almost anything be it intersteller travel, limitless energy and yes, one way or another conquering death using trillions of virtual simulations. Maybe this will be resuscitating the brain and body, maybe it will be imaging a brain and running it on a server in a cybernetically enhanced living tissue body.
Maybe by some other means we haven't even though of ourselves.

Mot scientists believe A.I. will be a reality somewhere between 2030-45.

I suggest reading the following two books, it is coming, one way or another.

Superintelligence by Nick Bostrom and Our Final Invention by James Barrat
It's interesting but personally I think the real way people will end up living longer is when we are able to transfer the human brain to a computer.

And then transfer the programme into a clone. You've read 'Old Mans War' too then?
"Can of Worms" is exactly that.

It's wrong, ethically and on any other level too. Take human emotion out of the equation and nobody can tell me that this procedure is correct.

Every living thing naturally has a life cycle from a leaf, to a fruit, to a human.

We're born, we live, we die - it's as simple as that and while none of us want to die, it's only us (superior) humans who have created a scenario where we can possibly be immortal.
It isn't natural and whether we like it or not, there is nothing more powerful than nature (Tsunami, earthquake, plague, eruption etc.)
It's natures kull that keeps this planet's population down to maintainable levels - for the planet.
We came along with all our "developments" and now the planet is overcrowded!!

In the instance of this girl, we're all discussing what would happen if she woke up in 100 years time - but even a 30 year span would be a shock.
For us old enough to remember 30 years ago, 1986 is unbelievably different to 2016
Imagine 2046 at the earliest........we can't comprehend it.
Good luck to the poor little love.
If i had some incurable agressive terminal disease today, I would sign up to be euthanased, frozen and then defrosted so they could have a practise run for her
"Can of Worms" is exactly that.

It's wrong, ethically and on any other level too. Take human emotion out of the equation and nobody can tell me that this procedure is correct.

Every living thing naturally has a life cycle from a leaf, to a fruit, to a human.

We're born, we live, we die - it's as simple as that and while none of us want to die, it's only us (superior) humans who have created a scenario where we can possibly be immortal.
It isn't natural and whether we like it or not, there is nothing more powerful than nature (Tsunami, earthquake, plague, eruption etc.)
It's natures kull that keeps this planet's population down to maintainable levels - for the planet.
We came along with all our "developments" and now the planet is overcrowded!!

In the instance of this girl, we're all discussing what would happen if she woke up in 100 years time - but even a 30 year span would be a shock.
For us old enough to remember 30 years ago, 1986 is unbelievably different to 2016
Imagine 2046 at the earliest........we can't comprehend it.
If that's the case then mate, what's the point in anything? Let's fuck off hospitals? Screw helping the poor because them dying early is the earth's will.

By the time we can resuscitate these people most of the worlds problems will be sorted. Hunger won't exist because we'll have the tech to cope with it.

We'll colonise Mars in less than 500 years. So space won't concern us.

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