Give Neil Young a testimonial

Good Post by Gary James .I have posted many times that City fans dont doTestimonials .I have been to 2 (Never Again) Johny Harts & Paul Lake .Paul was a Hero to fans at the time & his was such a worthwhile cause but even against the Rags we only Mustered 20odd thousand .Ian Brightwell was a Diamond & if memory serves me correct got little over 6 thousand Dont Think .Members of the EX Players Association would be too impressed with a Testimonial for Niel after 40 years
I couldn't agree more. If anyone deserved a testimonial he did. He was the unsung hero and I remember seeing many of his great goals. I hope everyone read his book called "Catch a Falling Star" published in 2004 . He got a raw deal when shipped off to Preston.
like someone said in a previous thread,there have been a number of testimonial events for this guy over the years,where does it all end?

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