Glory hunters...

Vinjay said:
All fans are glory hunters unless you want your club to lose constantly and win nothing. The true phrase is bandwagon jumpers.

I've been keeping a close interest in MCFC recently and will be attending Bayern game on Wednesday. After that will most likely start coming more often whether the club qualifies for next stage or not.

I've supported the same club for 14 years (seen some success in that time including a trophy and European qualifications) but its got to the point where I feel nothing but contempt. The fans are the biggest, most 2 faced, parochial bunch of small minded hypocritical sheep you could ever meet. They run down and belittle the club at EVERY opportunity (I've always been the exact opposite and they detest me for it) and have kicked me in the teeth time and time again. The only way they haven't done so is literally.

Tried everything to stick with them (even came close to getting arrested recently for the clubs benefit ironically my reputation with other fans has improved because of that) but there comes a time when enough is enough. For the last six years I've felt nothing but constant misery. Not just the normal level of misery but misery to the point its taken a mental toll. Nobody can accuse me of not being loyal. Boycotted for about 4 months earlier this year. Eventually returned only to get stabbed in the back one final time. Can't even bring myself to refer to them by name.

I've been invited to the Bayern game by a friend of mine (who was also invited last year, returned a few more times and enjoyed it to the point he supports the club now) Neither of us feel any connection to the club we supported over 14 years (bit longer than that in his case) and we have attended loads of games together home and away in that period. Don't want to stop attending live games so why not see how it goes.

Not going back to my former club again they have burned too many bridges. One thing is for sure I detest Man United as much as anyone on here and always have. Talking pure hatred but according to my former clubs fans you can't be a real fan if you hate Man U. So there's no question I want Man C to win the title this season. Watched the 6-1 game over and over again.

If I was invited to Liverpool or even Leeds (neither of which I've ever claimed to hate) probably would have gone there because anything is better than the last 6 years. The fact its Man City will bring accusations of bandwagon jumping but its not that black and white an issue. If it isn't Man City it would be somewhere else eventually.

Wouldn't call myself a City cheerleader yet (more a Man Utd hater) but my friend was the same at first. He's certainly a fan now. Same could happen to me I've never disliked City at all. Fact is a real interest has developed over last few weeks and I'm feeling more connected to the club day by day. Still feel connected to my previous club if you call deep, utter contempt a connection.

I know this club has suffered in the past but at least you didn't stab each other in the back. At least Man City fans aren't a bunch of 2 faced, hypocritical liars. Once I become committed to something I stick with it no matter what as long as I get a bit of respect in return.

Were you Celtic or FC Utd of Manchester fan? My only two guesses?
I've supported the same club for 14 years (seen some success in that time including a trophy and European qualifications)

Aston Villa?
If City didnt exist anymore I wouldnt support anyone just follow football in general. OK for kids to change teams my son's done it, but adults no. I can safely say I chose City at 13 and have never changed and never will!!
i`v been supporting city all my life,since may 2011 if you must ask,so yes that makes me nearly seven months old but you can`t accuse me of being a glory hunter,city fan egg and sperm me!!
Vinjay said:
Neither. Certainly don't wish FC United success (some still consider themselves MUFC fans after all) and Celtic fans are the biggest bunch of drunken idiots I've ever encountered (on only one occasion at least)

-- Sat Dec 03, 2011 7:52 pm --

Its Blackburn actually (where I've always lived and unfortunately still do hence my location description)

If I go over the level of disrespect and backstabbing that fans/club have shown me I'll be here all night.

The only person associated with that club I still have massive respect for is Jack Walker and I always will do. Same can't be said for the vast majority of their fans. Only stayed as long as I have out of loyalty to him. Doubt City fans will ever treat Sheikh Mansour as badly as Rovers fans have treated Jack Walker.

The current owners haven't exactly helped either (several fans have been driven away by their actions) but neither did the previous ones (Jack Walker's ungrateful, backstabbing family)

Its the fans who have driven me away more than anything else and those problems started long before venkys arrived.

Fair enough, tbh I want blackburn to stay up anyway. However them protests after todays game were so stupid...
I support any team who can still mathematically win the league.

As the season progresses I find myself supporting fewer teams by the week.

By the end of the season I'm always lucky enough to support the champions.

I then paint my face in the club colours and go on Facebook 'giving it large'.
I don't see the problem, to be honest. As other people have said, the more fans, the better for the club on the whole. It's not a competition (although, if it was, some people would definitely win). Personally, I was raised in a none-football household. Not that it wasn't allowed, just that my parents weren't interested in it. All the family on my mum's side were blues, so as a kid playing football and getting interested in the sport, they were the natural side to choose. My uncles had their own kids to take to games, and seeing as how it wasn't my dad's thing, I never got to go to a game. Unfortunate, but something I'd resigned myself to as a child.

By the time I left highschool and went to college/got a job, my passion for the sport had died a bit. I definitely became more of a casual fan. It wasn't until years later that the old flames were rekindled (oddly enough, via fantasy football and FIFA games!). This was pre-FA cup, mind you. Now I'm making the effort to go to games, hoping to eventually get a SC. I suppose some people could call me a glory hunter (despite city being a boyhood club), but not everyone is brought up the same way. Perhaps if my dad was a blue and took me to the games as a kid, I wouldn't have had a stretch of disinterest. Regardless, it doesn't mean I don't have the same passion for the team as anyone else, or any "new" supporter for that matter. At the end of the day, we're all rooting for the same team, and we all cheer when we win. Anything beyond that is moot. Again, the more the better.

Just my two pence...
Frankly_Frank said:
I don't see the problem, to be honest. As other people have said, the more fans, the better for the club on the whole. It's not a competition (although, if it was, some people would definitely win). Personally, I was raised in a none-football household. Not that it wasn't allowed, just that my parents weren't interested in it. All the family on my mum's side were blues, so as a kid playing football and getting interested in the sport, they were the natural side to choose. My uncles had their own kids to take to games, and seeing as how it wasn't my dad's thing, I never got to go to a game. Unfortunate, but something I'd resigned myself to as a child.

By the time I left highschool and went to college/got a job, my passion for the sport had died a bit. I definitely became more of a casual fan. It wasn't until years later that the old flames were rekindled (oddly enough, via fantasy football and FIFA games!). This was pre-FA cup, mind you. Now I'm making the effort to go to games, hoping to eventually get a SC. I suppose some people could call me a glory hunter (despite city being a boyhood club), but not everyone is brought up the same way. Perhaps if my dad was a blue and took me to the games as a kid, I wouldn't have had a stretch of disinterest. Regardless, it doesn't mean I don't have the same passion for the team as anyone else, or any "new" supporter for that matter. At the end of the day, we're all rooting for the same team, and we all cheer when we win. Anything beyond that is moot. Again, the more the better.

Just my two pence...

You are a blue mate! no way a glory hunter!

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