GMP Declare War on Cyclists

I'm With Stupid said:
Mr Ed (The Stables) said:
Why don't cyclists contribute anything to the up keep of the road that they use.
They do. Everyone pays for the upkeep of the roads.

I remember seeing a news report about a cyclist who had been killed when a HGV driver didn't look before turning left and smashed into a bicycle, dragging them several metres down the road. The solution? A sign saying "beware of HGVs turning left." That kinda sums it up. It's not the responsibility of the lorry driver to check his mirrors properly, it's the responsibility of cyclists to not get run over.

Of course, there's another very important reason why cars shouldn't be given priority over cyclists, and that's that nobody wants more cars on the road. Every politician in the country will tell you that they want more people to cycle to work, so any policy on roads and traffic should have cyclists at the centre of their concerns, not as some afterthought, as is usually the case.

But just for clarity, because no matter how many times people are told, some idiot will still come out and say the opposite: THERE'S NO SUCH THING AS ROAD TAX!
You have the perfect u/n for the above post IwS - you are so right. Not sure why everyone thinks we don't pay tax.
On general note: drivers - be more careful - you could kill someone!
Tuearts right boot said:
Ban wagons from roads at certain times just like our commie French brethren. In fact just ban cars from the roads so our lycra clad loonies can ride 6 abreast unhindered,untaxed and uninsured
What a good idea, at least a blanket car ban will get them thick bints who drive while on facebook off the road!
Blue Til Death said:
All cyclists and all woman driving any mode of transport, should be banned from all roads for ever.
Surely you aren't including strippers and barmaids?

As for the original point; plenty of cyclists ride like tw@ts and plenty of drivers drive like tw@ts.
The car will always win against the bike and the HGV will win against either.
Very few areas in this country have the space to incorporate segregated cycle lanes as they do in Copenhagen for example so all users have to work together and that often requires a degree of co-operation beyond the wit of many cyclists and drivers.
I've spoken about running red lights with a number of experienced cyclists and they claim the danger from turning vehicles when setting off from a green light is greater than the danger of running a red light. - They also claim most cyclists check the traffic crossing the junction before running red lights but I'm not convinced.
It's not all the fault of the cyclists and I'm well aware that many drivers just don't exercise sufficient observational skills with regards to other road users.
There might be more respect if cyclists had to pass a test, but drivers have passed a test and still drive like arseholes.
The only real solution is ongoing post-test training and assessments for drivers and cyclists. But that will cost votes.
I think we should clear all the pedestrians, there's only an eyeful of 'em, off the pavements and onto the roads. They can walk next to the kerb and occasionally they'll have a little track that is designed solely for them. Then we can put all the cyclists out of harm's way and onto the pavement. We might have to spend a few bob sorting out the junctions so that they can continue riding across as they do in Holland. It's a simple solution - I just can't understand why it hasn't been done already.
I'm With Stupid said:
Mr Ed (The Stables) said:
Why don't cyclists contribute anything to the up keep of the road that they use.
They do. Everyone pays for the upkeep of the roads.

I remember seeing a news report about a cyclist who had been killed when a HGV driver didn't look before turning left and smashed into a bicycle, dragging them several metres down the road. The solution? A sign saying "beware of HGVs turning left." That kinda sums it up. It's not the responsibility of the lorry driver to check his mirrors properly, it's the responsibility of cyclists to not get run over.

Of course, there's another very important reason why cars shouldn't be given priority over cyclists, and that's that nobody wants more cars on the road. Every politician in the country will tell you that they want more people to cycle to work, so any policy on roads and traffic should have cyclists at the centre of their concerns, not as some afterthought, as is usually the case.

But just for clarity, because no matter how many times people are told, some idiot will still come out and say the opposite: THERE'S NO SUCH THING AS ROAD TAX!

PMSL the cyclist that came up with that is one of the biggest muppets on the face of the planet.

In 2010, fuel taxes raised around £27 billion for the Treasury, with about £5 billion coming from vehicle excise duty

So that's a rough total of £32 billion with some organisations estimating it to be as high a £50 billion.

But the figures from the DfT also showed that in 2010/11 just under £5.7 billion was spent on local roads and £3.75 billion was spent on national roads.

So road user are not only paying for the upkeep of roads they're paying for a lot of other things as well.
Mr Ed (The Stables) said:
Why don't cyclists contribute anything to the up keep of the road that they use.
They do.

It's called "Council Tax".

Vehicle Excise Duty (what most car drivers mistakenly assume to be "Road Tax", which hasn't existed since 1937) is a taxation of the emissions from vehicles drivers use. Cyclists don't pay this because bicycles don't produce emissions. Very little, if any, of VED is spent on repairing or maintenance of the roads.

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