GMP Declare War on Cyclists

I'm With Stupid said:
Mr Ed (The Stables) said:
Why don't cyclists contribute anything to the up keep of the road that they use.
They do. Everyone pays for the upkeep of the roads.

I remember seeing a news report about a cyclist who had been killed when a HGV driver didn't look before turning left and smashed into a bicycle, dragging them several metres down the road. The solution? A sign saying "beware of HGVs turning left." That kinda sums it up. It's not the responsibility of the lorry driver to check his mirrors properly, it's the responsibility of cyclists to not get run over.

Of course, there's another very important reason why cars shouldn't be given priority over cyclists, and that's that nobody wants more cars on the road. Every politician in the country will tell you that they want more people to cycle to work, so any policy on roads and traffic should have cyclists at the centre of their concerns, not as some afterthought, as is usually the case.

But just for clarity, because no matter how many times people are told, some idiot will still come out and say the opposite: THERE'S NO SUCH THING AS ROAD TAX!

If you're a cyclist then you're going to lose any argument with a vehicle, no matter what it's size. With that in mind it's more than a bit stupid to rely on the other driver not being a fucking idiot.
Saying that, undertaking a lorry is pretty fucking stupid in itself. Not just cyclists that do this, I've seen plenty of cars trying to do this.
Phil Meup said:
Apart from anything else, this is a total waste of police resources. As is often said, why don't they catch proper crooks? !

Who gives a fuck? If they're not acting like cunts they won't get a fine. Anyway, shouldn't they be in school?<br /><br />-- Thu Nov 21, 2013 4:45 pm --<br /><br />
sickboybloo said:
Mr Ed (The Stables) said:
Why don't cyclists contribute anything to the up keep of the road that they use.
they do.. income tax and n.i! There's no such thing as road tax anymore, v.e.d is based on vehicle emmisions.

I'd say the majority of people that ride bicycles are kids that don't pay taxes because they don't have jobs yet.

This is probably outdated now but it makes me chuckle...Tiny things and Tiny minds.
de niro said:
BlueBearBoots said:
TINY said:
Some people on cycles and motorbikes are fucking stupid and shouldn't be on the road. Their actions put many, themselves included, in danger. Most do not know how to ride on the road.

Hopefully in this instance everyone involved is unharmed z

Can't count the times I've nearly been run over by a cyclist in town, they ride through red lights , ride on feckin pavements blooming nightmare!!

Agreed. Wankers.
They should have test and they should pay road tax and insurance. I know some do but that's choice, should be compulsory. That would drive some of the cunts off the road, or should I say pavement.

I dread Christmas cos another batch of the fuckers get a fucking bike as pressies.

Dont me started on bike lanes, causes hold ups and are a waste of paint.
Another misinformed post. You're on a roll.
Phil Meup said:
Briiliant video that talkativesprout. Very informative!
I can see me needing to use some of those lines myself the way this war is going!

So you think you can ride through a red light and not get a fine yet believe that you should have the same rights as anyone else on the road? Why don't you just drive within the law and avoid the hassle?
TINY said:
Some people on cycles and motorbikes are fucking stupid and shouldn't be on the road. Their actions put many, themselves included, in danger. Most do not know how to ride on the road.

Hopefully in this instance everyone involved is unharmed z

Agreed some of these fucktards think that its okay to ignore the highway code drive through red lights or worse still ride on pavements. The highway code is there for a reason either or obey it or be fined just like drivers are.

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