GMP Declare War on Cyclists

Mike D said:
TINY said:
Some people on cycles and motorbikes are fucking stupid and shouldn't be on the road. Their actions put many, themselves included, in danger. Most do not know how to ride on the road.

Hopefully in this instance everyone involved is unharmed z

Agreed some of these fucktards think that its okay to ignore the highway code drive through red lights or worse still ride on pavements. The highway code is there for a reason either or obey it or be fined just like drivers are.

Never parked on the pavement or on double yellows then to avoid you quiff getting ruffled in the rain then ?
BlueBearBoots said:
TINY said:
Some people on cycles and motorbikes are fucking stupid and shouldn't be on the road. Their actions put many, themselves included, in danger. Most do not know how to ride on the road.

Hopefully in this instance everyone involved is unharmed z

Can't count the times I've nearly been run over by a cyclist in town, they ride through red lights , ride on feckin pavements blooming nightmare!!
In all my years of walking around town i have never seen one cyclist riding a bike on the pavement, i have seen them whizzing up and down Portland St or Mosley St but never seen one on the pavement
Genuine question; why do cyclists ride through red lights? Never understand why they would.
stony said:
Saying that, undertaking a lorry is pretty fucking stupid in itself. Not just cyclists that do this, I've seen plenty of cars trying to do this.
Surely logic would suggest that the lorry was overtaking the bike, being the faster vehicle and all? From what I saw on the news at the time, it sounded like the lorry was in the process of overtaking the bike and turned left crushing the cyclist. If that's the case, the it's clearly the driver's fault either for not looking properly, or for being too impatient to wait for the bike the clear the left turn first.
TINY said:
Genuine question; why do cyclists ride through red lights? Never understand why they would.
We dont like them, i get off and go on the pavement where i PUSH my bike around them then get back on and away you go
blue underpants said:
TINY said:
Genuine question; why do cyclists ride through red lights? Never understand why they would.
We dont like them, i get off and go on the pavement where i PUSH my bike around them then get back on and away you go

blue underpants said:
TINY said:
Genuine question; why do cyclists ride through red lights? Never understand why they would.
We dont like them, i get off and go on the pavement where i PUSH my bike around them then get back on and away you go

Would that mean that's what every cyclists gotta do cause it's what you do....i ride the bike at slow speed on pavements for yrs and i've never had a pedestrain complain to me....if ever i've got to come through Mottran cutting near a rush hr then the pavement's my new cycle lane coause i've not seen many pedestrians on it in 30 yrs.

Had a beltin prick in a skip wagon larging it down a country lane at 30 mph with a foot either side of his wheels, he went all Dale Cregan on us. Me oppo snipered his work place and quickly got an home 20 fixed, next news he was on his doorstep with some right screaming females who wanted to know if his kids knew what there father got upto on a tuesday afternoon. and them women cant half scream cant they....Cregan turn parrot, not sure if was causes of the banshees or cos he never had his skip wagon with him.
mick10 said:
All the Nations of the world should declare war on cyclists, never mind GMP.

Somehow I can't see the Dutch, the Danes or the Belgians joining in! Vive le vélo!! Time to emigrate and leave this green and pleasant land to the budding Stirling Mosses and the influx of more Eastern Euros. Should be able to get me winter fuel allowance in Holland, shouldn't I?
Dave Ewing's Back 'eader said:
mick10 said:
All the Nations of the world should declare war on cyclists, never mind GMP.

Somehow I can't see the Dutch, the Danes or the Belgians joining in! Vive le vélo!! Time to emigrate and leave this green and pleasant land to the budding Stirling Mosses and the influx of more Eastern Euros. Should be able to get me winter fuel allowance in Holland, shouldn't I?

Burn the bicycles for heat. Not sure how'd you do that mind.

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