GMP Declare War on Cyclists

Fat Chance said:
blue underpants said:
TINY said:
Genuine question; why do cyclists ride through red lights? Never understand why they would.
We dont like them, i get off and go on the pavement where i PUSH my bike around them then get back on and away you go

blue underpants said:
TINY said:
Genuine question; why do cyclists ride through red lights? Never understand why they would.
We dont like them, i get off and go on the pavement where i PUSH my bike around them then get back on and away you go

Would that mean that's what every cyclists gotta do cause it's what you do....i ride the bike at slow speed on pavements for yrs and i've never had a pedestrain complain to me....if ever i've got to come through Mottran cutting near a rush hr then the pavement's my new cycle lane coause i've not seen many pedestrians on it in 30 yrs.

Had a beltin prick in a skip wagon larging it down a country lane at 30 mph with a foot either side of his wheels, he went all Dale Cregan on us. Me oppo snipered his work place and quickly got an home 20 fixed, next news he was on his doorstep with some right screaming females who wanted to know if his kids knew what there father got upto on a tuesday afternoon. and them women cant half scream cant they....Cregan turn parrot, not sure if was causes of the banshees or cos he never had his skip wagon with him.

I'm With Stupid said:
stony said:
Saying that, undertaking a lorry is pretty fucking stupid in itself. Not just cyclists that do this, I've seen plenty of cars trying to do this.
Surely logic would suggest that the lorry was overtaking the bike, being the faster vehicle and all? From what I saw on the news at the time, it sounded like the lorry was in the process of overtaking the bike and turned left crushing the cyclist. If that's the case, the it's clearly the driver's fault either for not looking properly, or for being too impatient to wait for the bike the clear the left turn first.

I'm going from years of experience of driving hgv's. You slow down and indicate that you wish to turn left, the size of the vehicle means you often have to go wide in order to turn. I've lost count of the amount of times I've had to stop because a driver or cyclist has presumed that I've put the wrong indicator on because I've moved over to the right in order to negotiate the turn, and has then tried zooming up the inside of me.<br /><br />-- Thu Nov 21, 2013 6:48 pm --<br /><br />
Fat Chance said:
y pedestrians on it in 30 yrs.

Had a beltin prick in a skip wagon larging it down a country lane at 30 mph with a foot either side of his wheels, he went all Dale Cregan on us. Me oppo snipered his work place and quickly got an home 20 fixed, next news he was on his doorstep with some right screaming females who wanted to know if his kids knew what there father got upto on a tuesday afternoon. and them women cant half scream cant they....Cregan turn parrot, not sure if was causes of the banshees or cos he never had his skip wagon with him.

I've read that 4 times and I'm still none the wiser. It may as well have been posted in Cantonese.
Barcon said:
Phil Meup said:
Briiliant video that talkativesprout. Very informative!
I can see me needing to use some of those lines myself the way this war is going!

So you think you can ride through a red light and not get a fine yet believe that you should have the same rights as anyone else on the road? Why don't you just drive within the law and avoid the hassle?
I've gone through on red when I've considered it safe, mainly to avoid someone turning left into me. I agree with you though, generlly it's best to follow the highway code. At the end of the day tho I put my safety first.
Never had any run ins with pedestrians either. We seem to bbe able to co-exist!
Phil Meup said:
Barcon said:
Phil Meup said:
Briiliant video that talkativesprout. Very informative!
I can see me needing to use some of those lines myself the way this war is going!

So you think you can ride through a red light and not get a fine yet believe that you should have the same rights as anyone else on the road? Why don't you just drive within the law and avoid the hassle?
I've gone through on red when I've considered it safe, mainly to avoid someone turning left into me. I agree with you though, generlly it's best to follow the highway code. At the end of the day tho I put my safety first.
Never had any run ins with pedestrians either. We seem to bbe able to co-exist!
I have had more trouble with pedestrians on the Bridgewater Canal towpath than on pavements, especially the dozy twats with those stupid huge headphones on texting on their mobiles whilst walking a hound, fuckin oblivious to everything around them and away with the fairies, i swear these loons would carry on texting and chatting even if they fell in the water
stony said:
I'm going from years of experience of driving hgv's. You slow down and indicate that you wish to turn left, the size of the vehicle means you often have to go wide in order to turn. I've lost count of the amount of times I've had to stop because a driver or cyclist has presumed that I've put the wrong indicator on because I've moved over to the right in order to negotiate the turn, and has then tried zooming up the inside of me.
Either way, the point is that putting bicycles and lorries on the same road is a stupid idea.

Here's a documentary on the Netherlands:

I'm With Stupid said:
stony said:
I'm going from years of experience of driving hgv's. You slow down and indicate that you wish to turn left, the size of the vehicle means you often have to go wide in order to turn. I've lost count of the amount of times I've had to stop because a driver or cyclist has presumed that I've put the wrong indicator on because I've moved over to the right in order to negotiate the turn, and has then tried zooming up the inside of me.
Either way, the point is that putting bicycles and lorries on the same road is a stupid idea.

Here's a documentary on the Netherlands:

Very interesting 6 minutes that - thanks IwS.
Can't see it happening here. The British are too selfish and the oil companies too powerful.
talkativesprout said:
Mike D said:
TINY said:
Some people on cycles and motorbikes are fucking stupid and shouldn't be on the road. Their actions put many, themselves included, in danger. Most do not know how to ride on the road.

Hopefully in this instance everyone involved is unharmed z

Agreed some of these fucktards think that its okay to ignore the highway code drive through red lights or worse still ride on pavements. The highway code is there for a reason either or obey it or be fined just like drivers are.

Never parked on the pavement or on double yellows then to avoid you quiff getting ruffled in the rain then ?

Its hardly on the same level as running a red light. However if I did park on the double yellows then I wouldn't come crying if the boys in blue slapped on a ticket or towed away my car for my troubles.
TINY said:
Genuine question; why do cyclists ride through red lights? Never understand why they would.

not got the bottle to take a driving test so wouldn't know the first thing about the highway code. hence they ride a toy on OUR roads.
de niro said:
TINY said:
Genuine question; why do cyclists ride through red lights? Never understand why they would.

not got the bottle to take a driving test so wouldn't know the first thing about the highway code. hence they ride a toy on OUR roads.

Genuine question; why do car drivers ride through red lights?

Because they are selfish bastards who don't give a shit about others.
I travel by bus (although this should be ending next year hopefully)and most bus drivers seem to think orange means put your foot down, even if 20 metres from the lights, hence shooting red lights by a couple of seconds. Its not only cyclists that are doing this.

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