GMP F*** Up Again

Montgomery Burns said:
Pigeonho said:
Because that would mean going one on one, and that's simply not allowed for these kids who go around and show how hard they are in PACKS.

I've just been reading your past few comments Pigeonho and just want to say I'm with you all the way on what you wrote. One on one in a dark alley with no witnesses and no support then they'd run a mile, albeit being a keyboard warrior they'd say they wouldn't.

I wonder how many of 'the mob' in the vid actually went to the match. the majority probably, but I'd guess there were a fair few of those dead hard kids who didn't. As you imply, a truly terrifying vid (ha!) where the lads took on the filth who ran off back to Chester House with our lads chasing after them. Yeah!

And it's funny some of the people, including scottyboi want this thread deleting, as it's becoming embarrassing. I bet it is!

Will you stop going on about me you fucking tool.
I miss all the fun as I sit in 139 and walk back after the games down Joe Mercer Way
scottyboi said:
Montgomery Burns said:
I've just been reading your past few comments Pigeonho and just want to say I'm with you all the way on what you wrote. One on one in a dark alley with no witnesses and no support then they'd run a mile, albeit being a keyboard warrior they'd say they wouldn't.

I wonder how many of 'the mob' in the vid actually went to the match. the majority probably, but I'd guess there were a fair few of those dead hard kids who didn't. As you imply, a truly terrifying vid (ha!) where the lads took on the filth who ran off back to Chester House with our lads chasing after them. Yeah!

And it's funny some of the people, including scottyboi want this thread deleting, as it's becoming embarrassing. I bet it is!

Will you stop going on about me you fucking tool.
He lurvesss you
levets said:
Pigeonho said:
I've been PM'd your age so now I know that i'll cut you some slack. One day, just after your last pube sprouts, you'll probably look back at people like those dicks in the video and you will have the same outlook on it as I do. Once again to clarify, I know all clubs have true hard lads who will actually fight. I have had the pleasure/misfortune, (however you want to look at it), to be introduced to one or two of them before now, and listening to their stories and from seeing things outside Maine Road, I know they exist. In opposition to that though I also know we have a load of wannabe hard men like in that video, and I can't take people like that seriously and to be honest I think they're just wankers. If you are one of those, carry on doing what you're doing until you become unstuck one day and all those 'lads' are no-where to be seen because they've shit it, and ran. After that, you'll realise who is who, and who just talks out of their arse. Sorry for calling you a nobhead earlier too, young and dumb or not, you're still a blue.

this time we had a crew there to stand up to them and it worked
To be fair, he is correct on this... If united had got out, there would have been 'real' trouble... as opposed to a load of kids shouting and chucking things...

I saw united getting their mob together in the car park... ( I was walking up towards where B of Bang was) and knew what was going to happen.

Not doubting any real trouble was possible mate, we all know if they want it to happen, they'll make it happen. Its the video on this thread though, they're the type who get on everyones nerves and the type who bounce about, arms all over the place, yelling shite and maybe get one woeful punch in before legging it back into the safety of their pack, and Die Hard seems to be glorifying them, and i'm just letting him know that those lads are the shit heads. Not naming any names, but I work with someone involved in the hardcore element we used to have, and another mutual co-worker of both of us is the wife of one of City's big names, if not theee big name. Before the TNS game in 03', I was drinking with said workmate and this big name came into Wetherspoons in Piccadilly. My workmate would have been about 33 back then, and he was literally in awe of this guy, more or less licking his arse as were most of the other lads in there. I was only mid 20's myself and I thought it was great one man can have such respect and what appeared to be power over so many others, others who looked hard as fuck. Now though i'm the same age my workmate was back then, and I can't think of anything less inspiring than to meet the big name of City's firms, infact if I did I would probably say some smart arse comment and get a twatting!
Blue Smarties said:
scottyboi said:
Will you stop going on about me you fucking tool.
He lurvesss you
Anyone who disagrees with him gets mentioned for abit. Shame he could not of done this more with the FA watch he might of got somewhere.
Saturday was another good reason for me to despise the police so I expect him to still be moaning all week.
scottyboi said:
alib said:
I miss all the fun as I sit in 139 and walk back after the games down Joe Mercer Way

You have it worse you have to fight the traffic!

not where I park!!

I'm home about 30 minutes after final whistle

I do remember getting invovled in the shenangans after the Coventry FA Cup game at Maine Road when The Goat got the winner on 90 mins and Coventry fans invaded the Main Stand attacking the flask and blanket brigade!!! City fans were running across the pitch from the Kippax to help out!!

after the game the City lads (100's of them) kept charging the away fans gates when the police tried to let the Coventry fans out - this went on for ages and was a major incident
Dont united normally try to attack mickeys pub on derby day? For all the rights and wrongs of it I did not not notice many of them try it on saturday.
mcfc_die_hard said:
LCBblue said:
Seems to be just me who didn't see any of this behaviour.

All I saw as I walked past the big metal fence was a few City fans banging and kicking it and then further up the road about 50 City fans together singing and chanting munich whilst looking threatening and walking quickly and some bouncing up and down, the usual hooligan thing.

Since the game heard a lot more than what I actually saw though.

you missed alot mate. there must have been at one point about 1000 blues all being pushed back down the road past the mary d's and the manchester. im not gunna lie i wanted to get at the rag bastards but when the dogs come out they made the difference everyone scattered.
It was funny as fuck. what made it even funnier was a fit as fuck blonde bird in a dress was getting in on it. class.

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