GMP F*** Up Again

Matt Diablo said:
shadygiz said:
yeah i just mentioned that in my post above mate...they got what they wanted...A REACTION

this thread really does make me feel like not giving a fuk about a game with a round object, 22 players and two nets

indeed, but everyman has the right to protect himself and his children,if that happend again i would be up them stairs like jack flash
Quite simple GMP, let the fans out at the same time and that happens. Keep the united fans in untill the city fans have dispersed and nothing happens. Easypeasy
piffy on a rock bun said:
bodgecity said:
I was in block 216 today right next the the rags after the game we were headin out down to the concourse when all the pigs started pushin. I got down the stairs and heard a massive bang and in horror i saw a city fan lyin at the bottom of the stairs out cold with blood poorin from his head. I hope the lad is ok and hope the pig gets the book thrown at him. Just shows what a bunch of arse holes gmp are.

Mate I would get a complaint in & anyone else who witnesed shit like this needs to do the same, The police are supposed to be there for our protection ffs!
A friend of mine witnessed this whole episode and has the officers number. Said it was a absolute disgrace and the poor lad looked in a really bad way. Lets hope justice prevails.<br /><br />-- Sat Apr 17, 2010 9:45 pm --<br /><br />
piffy on a rock bun said:
bodgecity said:
I was in block 216 today right next the the rags after the game we were headin out down to the concourse when all the pigs started pushin. I got down the stairs and heard a massive bang and in horror i saw a city fan lyin at the bottom of the stairs out cold with blood poorin from his head. I hope the lad is ok and hope the pig gets the book thrown at him. Just shows what a bunch of arse holes gmp are.

Mate I would get a complaint in & anyone else who witnesed shit like this needs to do the same, The police are supposed to be there for our protection ffs!
A friend of mine witnessed this whole episode and has the officers number. Said it was a absolute disgrace and the poor lad looked in a really bad way. Lets hope justice prevails.
cant spell-dont care said:
Quite simple GMP, let the fans out at the same time and that happens. Keep the united fans in untill the city fans have dispersed and nothing happens. Easypeasy

Its not hard is it. Keeping them back 20 - 30 mins, sure they wouldnt have minded (I wouldnt have if I'd seen us sneak a 90th minute bastard winner) and by that time everyones gone
mancitypj said:
Boston said:
Gmp aren't the problem it's all the brain dead morons looking for trouble. It's pathetic. Some people must have some really sad lives if they get off on this kind of thing.
I agree!

EH! i got battond for crossing the road with my young boy,doing fuk all and walking to the car, maybe i'm sad like you say
At least they let the rags get a good fucking hiding. Even the so called 'Red army General' Tony O'Neil (Why the fuck did his ban get overturned ?) must of been shitting himself when it kicked off.
Funny old thing, I sit next to the away fans, SE corner level 2, left at the final whistle, queued to get onto the spiral, then walked along the security fence where a few brave dicks were trying to get others to shout m*nich (dead brave that from behind a fence). Walked to where B of the Bang was, then back down Ashton Old Road to Greymare Lane, and along past The Manchester, and Queens Head (??), and down to my car parked at the school next to The Townley, didn't see any bother, not a single rag. Drove away towards Mancunian Way and still saw nothing.

Will have to book an appointment with specsavers on Monday because clearly my eyes are f**ked.

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