
sweynforkbeard said:
professor_frink said:
my philosophy (well not really, i nicked it!)

Live a good life. If there are gods and they are just, then they will not care how devout you have been, but will welcome you based on the virtues you have lived by. If there are gods, but unjust, then you should not want to worship them. If there are no gods, then you will be gone, but will have lived a noble life that will live on in the memories of your loved ones.
— Marcus Aurelius

In the end it doesn't really matter. Just get on with your life because it might be the only one you ever have!

Thank you for that - if only everyone could live their life with that as a template.

This ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
mammutly said:
ElanJo said:

-- Thu Aug 12, 2010 10:28 pm --

I'm not taking refuge in anything. I simply want to know what it is people are referring to when they say the three letter word "God".

I am not imposing my paradigm on other people's reality. We, you, I and everyone in the thread, simply cannot debate, argue or discuss a word that is not defined. I acknowledge that people define it differently but that is exactly why asking for the word to be defined is important.

Obsessive huh? Well if that's the case then your attempts to keep the word away from any kind of scrutiny is equally obsessive, if not moreso.

define faith

define belief

define courage

define conviction

define love

Once you've precisely defined all of those terms, we might be able to have a meaningful converstaion in your preferred language. No wait! We'd have to define 'meaningful' too.

Of course we might lose the essence ( another word in need of definition) of what we are meant (also needs defining) to be talking about in the process, but that hardly matters ( another one) in your particular scheme (what's that word mean exactly?) of things (requires clarification)

And whilst we're at it ( whatever 'it' is), what is definition?

Sometimes words are arranged in a particular order so that they offer meaning and allow us to better understand something.

That is not a definition of "definition", by the way, it is merely a helpful suggestion for your next post.
lloydie said:
mammutly said:
define faith

define belief

define courage

define conviction

define love

Once you've precisely defined all of those terms, we might be able to have a meaningful converstaion in your preferred language. No wait! We'd have to define 'meaningful' too.

Of course we might lose the essence ( another word in need of definition) of what we are meant (also needs defining) to be talking about in the process, but that hardly matters ( another one) in your particular scheme (what's that word mean exactly?) of things (requires clarification)

And whilst we're at it ( whatever 'it' is), what is definition?

Sometimes words are arranged in a particular order so that they offer meaning and allow us to better understand something.

That is not a definition of "definition", by the way, it is merely a helpful suggestion for your next post.
Surely the definition for the word 'definition' would be: 'a sentence or description that explains what a certain thing is'?
The point is I cannot define God in terms that a scientific paradigm demands.

I tried earlier in this thread and my attempt was reclassified as a sort of Pantheism. The term 'pantheism' has no meaning for me in defining God. It's an abstraction - a bit like defining City as a 'a group of football players'.

I do not spend my time and money and invest my soul at times in caring about and believing in 'a group of football players'. Well, I do techncally speaking, but it's not what being a blue is really about.

Evolution cannot be defined according to it's spiritual meaning. It is not necessary or particularly useful to try

God cannot be defined as a space/time entity. It is not necessary or relevant to the essence of faith, and the continued insistence on such definition really misses the whole point, concept and meaning.

As I said earlier, the explanation for this apparant gulf in understanding lies in what philosophers call a 'category mistake'. Google the term and thine eyes will be opened.
For what it's worth this is my take on "God" "jesus" and the meaning of life and why we are here. In a way I contradict myself but I will tell my tail regardless.....

"God" - Designed by the church to enforce their values on anyone that will listen "follow god or bad things will happen to your soul". Religion has been the cause of most acts of war. No higher being that created man.

"Jesus" - Ok I believe there was this fellow but he was not the messiah that he is made out to be. A humble carpenter who had "visions" an early version of Nostardamus if you like, a person who found his dreams gave him a message. This in turn snowballed and he became "the messiah" but in reality was possibley a bit of a nut job (in a nice kind of way) then Chinese whispers, along with his followers then cause the tails to grow and stories became blown up and before you know it, he was healing people and turning water into wine! But in reality he wasnt, he was spreading what he had seen in his dreams and nothing more.

Meaning or purpose of life - This is where I contradict myself, I dont believe in God or that Jesus was his son (although I do believe Jesus was a real being, human but real). My theroy is that the life we have now is our chance to make something of ourselves, to be the best we can be. The reason so much war, famine, death etc happens is this life we live in is a kind of "hell", not the firery type we are told by the church but a real living hell. We are put here to survive and become who we are supposed to be and prove that no matter what we can survive the "hell" that this time and place is (deep I know). If however you do not forefill your task and dont make the best of your life then you will be reborn to live it again and try again to become that better man/woman, this cycle repeats until you complete your task. What happens then I havent a clue? Or how or why we are reborn? An example I guess is, we evolved from the Monkey's, they eveolved from ???, now at some point we will evolve into something else, the cycle continues. Right or wrong thats what I believe. I dont worship a God, or follow a religion, I dont have any rules I follow or anything like that. I do bad things, have done terrible things, have had some horrid things happen to me as I grew up but my thoughts are everything is a learning curve and everything happens for a reason... I do believe in Fate but thats it, Karma is the only one I can except.

In other words I havent a fucking clue!
mammutly said:
The point is I cannot define God in terms that a scientific paradigm demands.

I tried earlier in this thread and my attempt was reclassified as a sort of Pantheism. The term 'pantheism' has no meaning for me in defining God. It's an abstraction - a bit like defining City as a 'a group of football players'.

I do not spend my time and money and invest my soul at times in caring about and believing in 'a group of football players'. Well, I do techncally speaking, but it's not what being a blue is really about.

Evolution cannot be defined according to it's spiritual meaning. It is not necessary or particularly useful to try

God cannot be defined as a space/time entity. It is not necessary or relevant to the essence of faith, and the continued insistence on such definition really misses the whole point, concept and meaning.

As I said earlier, the explanation for this apparant gulf in understanding lies in what philosophers call a 'category mistake'. Google the term and thine eyes will be opened.

Mate, why do you I declined to 'define' God?! Because no matter what YOU are attempting, certain people will not respect it.

I KNOW there is something behind this 'wall'/ 'plane' that we exist on. I've mentioned it before, but there was a post about 'near death'(which was laughable) earlier that reminded me about my own experience on that subject and that has pretty much compounded my belief beyond this world.

This whole 'white light' syndrome is not as simple as is written. Some people are 'aware' of what is happening, some others must feel different 'sensations' as they travel on. Some people get to the Light and some don't.

I didn't get to the Light, but I was 'aware' of where I was. Science cannot explain to me what I went through. Don't tell me that my experience "may be caused by a surge of electrical activity in the brain moments before death". Don't me that where I went I "could generate vivid images and feelings" they can "put near-death experiences down to high levels of carbon dioxide in the blood altering the chemical balance of the brain and tricking it into 'seeing' things".

There wasn't just a Tunnel of Light for me. There was the motion of 'floating', of being able to around me in all directions. The feeling, the small feeling of what it must to be God.

I want to you imagine, for an experiment, to able to see all around you at the same time. Imagine floating as well. See your head, hands, feet, forward, backward, top, bottom, side to side and all the bits you miss. Not even in dream could I do it.

Come on atheists, scientists, posters of logic. I want you to take it in the spirit I post. Attempt it and be honest.

I'm interested.
Bigga said:
mammutly said:
The point is I cannot define God in terms that a scientific paradigm demands.

I tried earlier in this thread and my attempt was reclassified as a sort of Pantheism. The term 'pantheism' has no meaning for me in defining God. It's an abstraction - a bit like defining City as a 'a group of football players'.

I do not spend my time and money and invest my soul at times in caring about and believing in 'a group of football players'. Well, I do techncally speaking, but it's not what being a blue is really about.

Evolution cannot be defined according to it's spiritual meaning. It is not necessary or particularly useful to try

God cannot be defined as a space/time entity. It is not necessary or relevant to the essence of faith, and the continued insistence on such definition really misses the whole point, concept and meaning.

As I said earlier, the explanation for this apparant gulf in understanding lies in what philosophers call a 'category mistake'. Google the term and thine eyes will be opened.

Mate, why do you I declined to 'define' God?! Because no matter what YOU are attempting, certain people will not respect it.

I KNOW there is something behind this 'wall'/ 'plane' that we exist on. I've mentioned it before, but there was a post about 'near death'(which was laughable) earlier that reminded me about my own experience on that subject and that has pretty much compounded my belief beyond this world.

This whole 'white light' syndrome is not as simple as is written. Some people are 'aware' of what is happening, some others must feel different 'sensations' as they travel on. Some people get to the Light and some don't.

I didn't get to the Light, but I was 'aware' of where I was. Science cannot explain to me what I went through. Don't tell me that my experience "may be caused by a surge of electrical activity in the brain moments before death". Don't me that where I went I "could generate vivid images and feelings" they can "put near-death experiences down to high levels of carbon dioxide in the blood altering the chemical balance of the brain and tricking it into 'seeing' things".

There wasn't just a Tunnel of Light for me. There was the motion of 'floating', of being able to around me in all directions. The feeling, the small feeling of what it must to be God.

I want to you imagine, for an experiment, to able to see all around you at the same time. Imagine floating as well. See your head, hands, feet, forward, backward, top, bottom, side to side and all the bits you miss. Not even in dream could I do it.

Come on atheists, scientists, posters of logic. I want you to take it in the spirit I post. Attempt it and be honest.

I'm interested.

Was it my post about NDE and why laughable? and it was taken from the said Authors book.
Mrs. Huggett said:
Bigga said:
Mate, why do you I declined to 'define' God?! Because no matter what YOU are attempting, certain people will not respect it.

I KNOW there is something behind this 'wall'/ 'plane' that we exist on. I've mentioned it before, but there was a post about 'near death'(which was laughable) earlier that reminded me about my own experience on that subject and that has pretty much compounded my belief beyond this world.

This whole 'white light' syndrome is not as simple as is written. Some people are 'aware' of what is happening, some others must feel different 'sensations' as they travel on. Some people get to the Light and some don't.

I didn't get to the Light, but I was 'aware' of where I was. Science cannot explain to me what I went through. Don't tell me that my experience "may be caused by a surge of electrical activity in the brain moments before death". Don't me that where I went I "could generate vivid images and feelings" they can "put near-death experiences down to high levels of carbon dioxide in the blood altering the chemical balance of the brain and tricking it into 'seeing' things".

There wasn't just a Tunnel of Light for me. There was the motion of 'floating', of being able to around me in all directions. The feeling, the small feeling of what it must to be God.

I want to you imagine, for an experiment, to able to see all around you at the same time. Imagine floating as well. See your head, hands, feet, forward, backward, top, bottom, side to side and all the bits you miss. Not even in dream could I do it.

Come on atheists, scientists, posters of logic. I want you to take it in the spirit I post. Attempt it and be honest.

I'm interested.

Was it my post about NDE and why laughable? and it was taken from the said Authors book.

Depends. Did you post the Mail online link??
professor_frink" my philosophy (well not really said:
sweynforkbeard said:
Thank you for that - if only everyone could live their life with that as a template.

This ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

That is just simply amazing and a very comforting thought. I think i'm going to base my life/belief on this, after all life is too short to be down on bended knee praying all day. Is that Marcus Aurelius guy from Gladiator? The name sounds familiar. I'm well aware i've mad a pig's ear of this post :/

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