
I'd guess most people think of a 'higher power' or a 'Master Creator'.

A figure/person/entity that apparently loves all and is all seeing... or maybe im going a bit off track.

Whatever the definition is, why do people believe, just because they don't like the alternatives? It comforts them? They've experienced something they can't explain?

Or is there a more logical, rational reason?
I think my thoughts on this are clear, I mean I don't even believe in myself!
100%manc said:
There was a bloke in court recently. .

This is what he did,

He visited a young girl in the night and got her pregnant.

The thing is the young girl knew nothing about it until s doctor told her she was with child. The girl could not believe it. She had not given consent for anybody to have sex with her. She can’t even remember anybody having sex with her. She thought she must have been raped in her sleep

Anyway after the baby was born they did a DNA test and the police tried to match it with DNA profiles already on the Database.

They did find a match and quickly went and arrested the man involved.

He was charged with having sex with this girl against her will and was remanded in custody.

In court he pleaded guilty and was sent to prison for 5 years

The child Support agency are also building a case against him for when he gets out to

I don’t know today’s MODERN world eh? in the old days he would have been probably been worshiped or something . . . .

sorry if that offends anybody. the point im trying to make is that if the story of "god" and the virgin birth was played out in todays society and with our modern laws then he would in trouble.

I do believe that the is something more but my personal opinion is that GOD as we are taught believe in him just does not exsist.

But everybody has the right to believe what they want and I respect that.

You are aware that God didn't rape the virgin Mary, correct? haha..
Part of the problem here is that people are demanding a definition of God in scientifically verifiable terms. It is similar to demanding to know the spiritual meaning of evolution.

Is the language of faith wrong simply because you don't believe in it? Bit of a paradox there, surely.
Apologies if I offend any one here, but this is how I seem to view it all:

If you're a slave to logic, you're an atheist.
If you're a slave to science, you're agnostic.
If you're a slave to emotion, you're a theist.

The very fact that your character is underpinned by one of these traits doesn't give you an ability to properly empathise with the other side.
Damocles said:
Apologies if I offend any one here, but this is how I seem to view it all:

If you're a slave to logic, you're an atheist.
If you're a slave to science, you're agnostic.
If you're a slave to emotion, you're a theist.

The very fact that your character is underpinned by one of these traits doesn't give you an ability to properly empathise with the other side.

That made me smile, Damocles!

If only it were that simple! I would think the types of slavery you suggest are inevitably dimensional rather than categorical constructs and the lines between them are going to be very blurred indeed.
Damocles said:
Apologies if I offend any one here, but this is how I seem to view it all:

If you're a slave to logic, you're an atheist.
If you're a slave to science, you're agnostic.
If you're a slave to emotion, you're a theist.

The very fact that your character is underpinned by one of these traits doesn't give you an ability to properly empathise with the other side.

we are all slaves to emotion

perhaps apart from captain spock
mammutly said:
Part of the problem here is that people are demanding a definition of God in scientifically verifiable terms. It is similar to demanding to know the spiritual meaning of evolution.

Is the language of faith wrong simply because you don't believe in it? Bit of a paradox there, surely.

If we don't have a definition of the subject word then we don't know what it is we're addressing.

Whatever the language of faith is we still need to know what it is that people are having faith in exactly.

Every word must have a definition or else we may aswell be typing "ogkfodkgfodk" over and over.

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