good debate - gone off track

Re: A big Thanks to the Dicks Singing M****h -

Matty said:
el blue said:
Again you make good points, but (again this is simply my opinion) surely a homophobic chant about John O'Shea taking it up the arse is more offensive and causes more harm to the gay community than a ****** chant could ever cause anyone. If were going to be sanctimonious about ****** we should take the same line with everything.. and then you have to ask yourself what sort of sanitised experience you'd be left with.
There are many things said at football that, when looked at out of context, would seem far harsher than they actually are. The comments regarding O'Shea and his supposed sexual orientation differ from M*nich because, firstly they are false, and secondly they are said with a certain amount of jest involved. The m*nich comments aren't said with any ounce of good humour and can be directly related to an actual event. Also, and this relates slightly to your own point, the media don't print stories for the World to see about fans mocking who O'Shea likes to sleep with, they make a HUGE deal about M*nich chants (as the build up to last years derby will contest). Perhaps they shouldn't but, as long as it sells papers to United fans and the supposedly moral' element of society, they will do, we as City fans have no control over that. What we DO have control over (again, as demonstrated last year) is whether the chants occur in the first place. Don't chant and there's no ammunition, and the issue goes away.

Having been outraged at our treatment in the media before last years derby I must concede to the above wisdom. All the more reason to stop highlighting the few who do chant about munich then.
Re: A big Thanks to the Dicks Singing M****h -

unfortunetly i didnt get to watch them legends play. but i do remember lee being our chairman and fucking our club up with alan ball.. :(
Re: A big Thanks to the Dicks Singing M****h -

It really makes me sad, when I see some of our younger fans say, that they dont care about our history.

Frank Swift R.I.P
Re: A big Thanks to the Dicks Singing M****h -

Whenever this subject is raised, it invariably leads to several pages of heated debate that I find to be interesting reading. However I would like to make a couple of points:
1. We live in a democracy. You may not agree with what somebody else says, but you should defend to the hilt the right of that person to say it. If somebody wants to chant “Munich” then they have as much right to do that as any other person has a right to call them a 'w***er' for doing so. When you start banning people from saying what they want to say (as long as it's not inciting terrorism or religious/racial hatred), then you are heading down a very dark road indeed.
2. Referring to rags as 'Munichs' is not necessarily mocking the dead. If you're singing about runways etc. then yes you are celebrating death, and that is in poor taste, however I know a few blues who refer to 'Nitid and their fans as 'Munichs' to deride the fact that ‘Nitid probably wouldn’t be where they are today without the plane crash and subsequent canonisation of the club on the back of a world-wide tsunami of public sympathy. It was without doubt the single most significant event that gatecrashed the club into the public conscience and catapulted them towards the fame and fortune that they have enjoyed ever since. I don't think that rags should be allowed to forget this fact. But I think that there is a big difference between calling a rag a 'Munich' and singing the 'runway' song.
3. Without doubt the OP was hard done by and I sympathise. The police and especially the steward were bang out of order. At the end of the day, however, you’re asking for trouble if you tell a steward to calm down. It’s like a red rag (cloth not person) to a bull.
Re: A big Thanks to the Dicks Singing M****h -

bluefandk said:
It really makes me sad, when I see some of our younger fans say, that they dont care about our history.

Frank Swift R.I.P

I can kind of see what they're getting at, but they're not expressing it particularly well. I was born in 1977 so Frank Swift and, for that matter, Summerbee, Lee, Bell, Doyle etc were before my time. All I have are stories from older fans and books/TV clips/Internet pages to inform me of the 'good old days'. It's not that I don't care about those times, they are integral to our history and our current situation, it's just they don't resonate with me. I didn't experience them so I can't get too emotionally involved in them. You respect the players, and the times, but that's as far as it goes. Put it this way, talent and achievement wise there's no comparison but, if I were to bump into Mike Summerbee in the street it would be a pleasant surprise, if I was to bump into Shaun Goater I'd be a nervous giggly teenager all over again, get tongue tied and probably embarrass myself by saying something all star struck and, in hindsight, idiotic! It's all about the personal experience for me and, unfortunately, I didn't get to experience the trophy era. At least not the last one anyway!!
Re: A big Thanks to the Dicks Singing M****h -

Blip said:
2. Referring to rags as '*******' is not necessarily mocking the dead. If you're singing about runways etc. then yes you are celebrating death, and that is in poor taste, however I know a few blues who refer to 'Nitid and their fans as '*******' to deride the fact that ‘Nitid probably wouldn’t be where they are today without the plane crash and subsequent canonisation of the club on the back of a world-wide tsunami of public sympathy. It was without doubt the single most significant event that gatecrashed the club into the public conscience and catapulted them towards the fame and fortune that they have enjoyed ever since. I don't think that rags should be allowed to forget this fact. But I think that there is a big difference between calling a rag a '******' and singing the 'runway' song.

This is basically how I see it as well, runway song etc is crossing the line referring to them as M****h's is more of a grey area for me.
Re: A big Thanks to the Dicks Singing M****h -

Matty said:
bluefandk said:
It really makes me sad, when I see some of our younger fans say, that they dont care about our history.

Frank Swift R.I.P

I can kind of see what they're getting at, but they're not expressing it particularly well. I was born in 1977 so Frank Swift and, for that matter, Summerbee, Lee, Bell, Doyle etc were before my time. All I have are stories from older fans and books/TV clips/Internet pages to inform me of the 'good old days'. It's not that I don't care about those times, they are integral to our history and our current situation, it's just they don't resonate with me. I didn't experience them so I can't get too emotionally involved in them. You respect the players, and the times, but that's as far as it goes. Put it this way, talent and achievement wise there's no comparison but, if I were to bump into Mike Summerbee in the street it would be a pleasant surprise, if I was to bump into Shaun Goater I'd be a nervous giggly teenager all over again, get tongue tied and probably embarrass myself by saying something all star struck and, in hindsight, idiotic! It's all about the personal experience for me and, unfortunately, I didn't get to experience the trophy era. At least not the last one anyway!!

Spot on post Matty
Re: A big Thanks to the Dicks Singing M****h -

Matty said:
bluefandk said:
It really makes me sad, when I see some of our younger fans say, that they dont care about our history.

Frank Swift R.I.P

I can kind of see what they're getting at, but they're not expressing it particularly well. I was born in 1977 so Frank Swift and, for that matter, Summerbee, Lee, Bell, Doyle etc were before my time. All I have are stories from older fans and books/TV clips/Internet pages to inform me of the 'good old days'. It's not that I don't care about those times, they are integral to our history and our current situation, it's just they don't resonate with me. I didn't experience them so I can't get too emotionally involved in them. You respect the players, and the times, but that's as far as it goes. Put it this way, talent and achievement wise there's no comparison but, if I were to bump into Mike Summerbee in the street it would be a pleasant surprise, if I was to bump into Shaun Goater I'd be a nervous giggly teenager all over again, get tongue tied and probably embarrass myself by saying something all star struck and, in hindsight, idiotic! It's all about the personal experience for me and, unfortunately, I didn't get to experience the trophy era. At least not the last one anyway!!

There is a hell of a difference between what you have posted and the people who enjoy singing a song that mocks the death of a City player.

Certainly the players you have seen play in person will always be more speciel to you, than some guy you read about in a book, but that does not mean you can deny a guy like Frank Swift all human decency.

By the way if i ran into the Goat i would proberbly piss myself!
Re: A big Thanks to the Dicks Singing M****h -

It was noticable that there were no mikes in front of the city fans yesterday, hence, they were hardly heard on SKY.
Maybe,this was a deliberate ploy because of these tasteless songs?
Also, these songs will do nothing to attract new fans to the club, and they will alienate the neutrals, the end result being that the reds will get more sympathy and possibly more fans, whilst City become tainted and maligned for being poor supporters which is far from the truth.
Personally, I cringe when I hear these chants, it makes me ashamed to be a blue. I do, however, accept a persons right to freedom of speech, which includes singing. You can argue that united sing about Marc Vivien Foe (RIP), the Kurzt subamarine, and Hillsboro ..... but that does'nt mean we have to lower ourselves to that level.
Last season, we were impeccable during the Munich Commemoration .... I never felt more proud to be a blue.

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