good debate - gone off track

Re: A big Thanks to the Dicks Singing M****h -

kipax you readlly do give us 20somthings a bad name i really do feel sorry for that lonely single brain cell!!! you might get it if you had at least 2 brain cells
Re: A big Thanks to the Dicks Singing M****h -

jay_mcfc said:
To be honest it's about time police and stewards started throwing people out for singing the songs. It would take 10+ people to be banned from our ground and they'd soon stop. The chants are disgusting, inhuman and give us all a bad reputation. Our club has done nothing to try to stop it and that annoys me. We all get labelled the same and it's unfair on many of our fans who look down on it. After last year at OT that should have been enough for the songs to stop and the club should have done more to take advantage of the situation...especially with the 'we are impeccable' slogan but they missed the opportunity and we're back at square one.

To the OP I have sympathy and this message isn't aimed at you

I hate the Munich songs and never join in when I hear them but I disagree with what you say about chucking people out. It's a free speech issue and I don't think we should be going down a route where people are thrown out for a chant that does not break the law (i.e. it isn't inciting racial hatred etc.).

As a set of fans it is up to us to eliminate the chanting ourselves. You could say that there will always be idiots but last year at Old Trafford proved that we can do it. I don't go to away games so I can't comment on how often the comments and chants are made there but for home games I do think you hear them less than a couple of years ago. Hopefully they get more and more rare and eventually we never hear them again. The worst thing is when we aren't even playing the rags, I'd rather hear us get behind our team than slag off another who we aren't even playing against.
Re: A big Thanks to the Dicks Singing M****h -

kippax88 said:
time for ur sandwiches...
Oh, so we're prawn sandwich munchers because we don't like singing about a plane crash? Seriously, get a fucking grip.
Re: A big Thanks to the Dicks Singing M****h -

geek said:
kipax you readlly do give us 20somthings a bad name i really do feel sorry for that lonely single brain cell!!! you might get it if you had at least 2 brain cells

TBH that irrelevant bollocks you just posted about the Taliban doesn't do much to demonstrate your superior brain power.
Re: A big Thanks to the Dicks Singing M****h -

The reason it annoys me so much is because, heaven forbid, if City were involved in a plane crash, people like kippax88 would be the first ones freaking out if United sung songs about it.
Re: A big Thanks to the Dicks Singing M****h -

ManCityX said:
The reason it annoys me so much is because, heaven forbid, if City were involved in a plane crash, people like kippax88 would be the first ones freaking out if United sung songs about it.

i doubt this.
Re: A big Thanks to the Dicks Singing M****h -

masterwig said:
I hate the ****** songs and never join in when I hear them but I disagree with what you say about chucking people out. It's a free speech issue and I don't think we should be going down a route where people are thrown out for a chant that does not break the law (i.e. it isn't inciting racial hatred etc.).

Putting aside the issue regarding the the fact the chants are in extremely poor taste, they could well be conceived as being against the law. They are made to illicit a response from the United fans so, technically, the police could claim the chants are 'inticing' the United fans to riot. You may consider this far fetched, but it would stand up in court and, in my opinion, anyone found to be making these chants should be dealt with extremely harshly.

I don't give a fuck what argument you come up with for them, they are all seriously flawed.

1 - The chants have been around for years - So what? To stop making them would be classed as progress, there are many things that were acceptable/prevelant 30 years ago that would not be tolerated now, liek throwing bananas at black players.

2 - It happened before most of us were born/had memories of the events - So why make the chants? If it was SO long ago that it has no meaning or emotional resonance for you then why chant it? If it's just to illicit a response then there are better ways of doing this than belittling the memories of the victims of a disaster that you've already admitted you have no particular feelings towards. Have some respect and human decency.

3 - I don't chant it because of the actually disaster but because of the United reaction to the disaster, i.e. treatment of the families/players involved - Whereas I might well agree with the sentiments, I too feel that United have 'milked' the disaster to feather their own beds and treated those closely involved in it with, at best, contempt, I fail to see why we should chant about it. Essentially what you're doing is saying "Haha, you treated dead people and their families with contempt, so here's a little ditty we wrote that shows them just as much contempt to prove how superior we are" surely even the most neanderthal of City fans can see the inherant double standards of this?

Leave United and their fans to bleat along about M*nich, we deal with it far better when we are respectfully silent. The World (and many, many United fans) know deep down how poorly the club treated those involved, and how they've used it as a cash cow for half a century, take the moral high ground.
Re: A big Thanks to the Dicks Singing M****h -

geek said:
kipax you readlly do give us 20somthings a bad name i really do feel sorry for that lonely single brain cell!!! you might get it if you had at least 2 brain cells


You may aswell walk into a grave yard and P*ss on someones grave. It's exactly the same in my eyes. Just because they were employed by the rags, it doesn't put them in the catagory as someone such as peado or a rapist. I'm in my 20's and really don't want to be associated with the numskulls, but it's like a lot of things. You end up getting tarred with the same brush.
Re: A big Thanks to the Dicks Singing M****h -

this site makes me laugh, just been issued a warning for saying i dont care about an ex city player who played 30 years before i was born. ooops sorry!!

i suppose that makes me a sad fan hey.
Re: A big Thanks to the Dicks Singing M****h -

Matty said:
masterwig said:
I hate the ****** songs and never join in when I hear them but I disagree with what you say about chucking people out. It's a free speech issue and I don't think we should be going down a route where people are thrown out for a chant that does not break the law (i.e. it isn't inciting racial hatred etc.).

Putting aside the issue regarding the the fact the chants are in extremely poor taste, they could well be conceived as being against the law. They are made to illicit a response from the United fans so, technically, the police could claim the chants are 'inticing' the United fans to riot. You may consider this far fetched, but it would stand up in court and, in my opinion, anyone found to be making these chants should be dealt with extremely harshly.

I don't give a fuck what argument you come up with for them, they are all seriously flawed.

1 - The chants have been around for years - So what? To stop making them would be classed as progress, there are many things that were acceptable/prevelant 30 years ago that would not be tolerated now, liek throwing bananas at black players.

2 - It happened before most of us were born/had memories of the events - So why make the chants? If it was SO long ago that it has no meaning or emotional resonance for you then why chant it? If it's just to illicit a response then there are better ways of doing this than belittling the memories of the victims of a disaster that you've already admitted you have no particular feelings towards. Have some respect and human decency.

3 - I don't chant it because of the actually disaster but because of the United reaction to the disaster, i.e. treatment of the families/players involved - Whereas I might well agree with the sentiments, I too feel that United have 'milked' the disaster to feather their own beds and treated those closely involved in it with, at best, contempt, I fail to see why we should chant about it. Essentially what you're doing is saying "Haha, you treated dead people and their families with contempt, so here's a little ditty we wrote that shows them just as much contempt to prove how superior we are" surely even the most neanderthal of City fans can see the inherant double standards of this?

Leave United and their fans to bleat along about M*nich, we deal with it far better when we are respectfully silent. The World (and many, many United fans) know deep down how poorly the club treated those involved, and how they've used it as a cash cow for half a century, take the moral high ground.

Fine, I accept all the above but it doesn't really address the question of why people get so upset about it and why some City fans continually bang on about how bad it is. By having such a tender reaction to it and then resisting it and petitioning against it continually you are highlighting a non-issue and doing the club more harm than the people who actually chant about it. I just don't accept that a healthy adult mind living in the year 2009 should get genuinely upset by the singing of such a childish and puerile song.

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