Grealish house raid

For me.players need to be careful on what they post and the images they post.
Sounds a bad ordeal that could have been a lot worse however the reality is crooks will target the wealthy and pounce upon any small bit of detail.
People blaming the victim for what they post on social media are completely barking up the wrong tree here. (And note Kevin's Belgium house was raided when he never posts anything relevant to that on social media.)

Jack posted nothing on his social media that would have given people any clues as to where his house is or what of value is in it. All he posted was a pic of a Christmas lunch table and some other people posted pics of the inside of a nice house which could have been anywhere at Christmas. It's hardly a stretch to conclude that a famous footballer with a big family would be having Christmas at his nice house with them.

The problem with a lot of people knowing about this house has come from the Scum and the Daily Fail posting details and pictures of it. Along, presumably, with the people who worked on and in the house, and even locals who live nearby, blabbing about it. None of those things are Jack's fault and are outside his control. The only thing it seems he can do is employ a different security firm and put even more security in place.

It appears Pep jumped on this "less posting on social media needed" bandwagon in his press conference which is EXTREMELY disappointing from him. It shows a real lack of understanding from him and to be implying victim-blaming against one of his own players in this circumstance is bad judgement and behaviour IMO.
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Usual ignorant bullshit being posted here from people who can't be bothered to read the articles actually posted at the beginning of the thread, I see.

The reporting says that dogs alerted the family to the crime and there were security guards on the estate. Clearly even more needs to be done but SUBSTANTIAL security was in place. (Such that it points to a good chance of an inside job to me.)

The £1 million number is also undoubtedly plucked out of the air by the Scum and the Fail because it's a nice round number sure to enrage the jealous types.

Congrats on jumping to a judgemental conclusion based on nothing, though.

It's also been widely reported that everyone is fine physically.

Thanks for that Inspector Jacques Clouseau.
The jewellery should be wired up to the mains when the panic button is pressed. Maybe with some squid game machine guns attached to motion sensors.

I doubt Grealish gives much of a fuck about the jewellery and is more relieved that his loved ones are okay.
I am glad that no one was hurt physically, but it is not always the physical that is the worst.
It is the mental/psychological feelings that take the time to heal. It took me a full 18 months before I walked back into my house (2 up/2 down so not huge) without having my keys pointing ready to gouge at an intruder. Two break ins within 5 weeks will do that to you!!
So saying they are not hurt physically is reassuring in some ways but leaves you nervous.
Sorry you had to endure that x
I am glad that no one was hurt physically, but it is not always the physical that is the worst.
It is the mental/psychological feelings that take the time to heal. It took me a full 18 months before I walked back into my house (2 up/2 down so not huge) without having my keys pointing ready to gouge at an intruder. Two break ins within 5 weeks will do that to you!!
So saying they are not hurt physically is reassuring in some ways but leaves you nervous.
Sorry to hear that, Eccles, but you do live in a ghetto…

I got burgled at uni and lost thousands of CDs. I obviously was gutted about losing my childhood music, but it was the feeling of intrusion and the feeling of someone going through my things that lasted longer.

It wouodnt surprise me if they moved soon.
People blaming the victim for what they post on social media are completely barking up the wrong tree here. (And note Kevin's Belgium house was raided when he never posts anything relevant to that on social media.)

Jack posted nothing on his social media that would have given people any clues as to where his house is or what of value is in it. All he posted was a pic of a Christmas lunch table and some other people posted pics of the inside of a nice house which could have been anywhere at Christmas. It's hardly a stretch to conclude that a famous footballer with a big family would be having Christmas at his nice house with them.

The problem with a lot of people knowing about this house has come from the Scum and the Daily Fail posting details and pictures of it. Along, presumably, with the people who worked on and in the house, and even locals who live nearby, blabbing about it. None of those things are Jack's fault and are outside his control. The only thing it seems he can do is employ a different security firm and put even more security in place.

It appears Pep jumped on this "less posting on social media needed" bandwagon in his press conference which is EXTREMELY disappointing from him. It shows a real lack of understanding from him and to be implying victim-blaming against one of his own players in this circumstance is bad judgement and behaviour IMO.
The above is mostly correct however Pep /others also have a point
If he posted a picture of his Xmas lunch that could be enough to identify his location via the geotag
People blaming the victim for what they post on social media are completely barking up the wrong tree here. (And note Kevin's Belgium house was raided when he never posts anything relevant to that on social media.)

Jack posted nothing on his social media that would have given people any clues as to where his house is or what of value is in it. All he posted was a pic of a Christmas lunch table and some other people posted pics of the inside of a nice house which could have been anywhere at Christmas. It's hardly a stretch to conclude that a famous footballer with a big family would be having Christmas at his nice house with them.

The problem with a lot of people knowing about this house has come from the Scum and the Daily Fail posting details and pictures of it. Along, presumably, with the people who worked on and in the house, and even locals who live nearby, blabbing about it. None of those things are Jack's fault and are outside his control. The only thing it seems he can do is employ a different security firm and put even more security in place.

It appears Pep jumped on this "less posting on social media needed" bandwagon in his press conference which is EXTREMELY disappointing from him. It shows a real lack of understanding from him and to be implying victim-blaming against one of his own players in this circumstance is bad judgement and behaviour IMO.
I quite agree with Pep, sure these guys have wealth but talking and posting anything in the slightest will give the wrong sort of people the wrong sort of ideas, just dont advertise anything on the socials, it's common sense really.
These thieves are pros and could even be foriegners flown in to do the job for specific targets.
People blaming the victim for what they post on social media are completely barking up the wrong tree here. (And note Kevin's Belgium house was raided when he never posts anything relevant to that on social media.)

Jack posted nothing on his social media that would have given people any clues as to where his house is or what of value is in it. All he posted was a pic of a Christmas lunch table and some other people posted pics of the inside of a nice house which could have been anywhere at Christmas. It's hardly a stretch to conclude that a famous footballer with a big family would be having Christmas at his nice house with them.

The problem with a lot of people knowing about this house has come from the Scum and the Daily Fail posting details and pictures of it. Along, presumably, with the people who worked on and in the house, and even locals who live nearby, blabbing about it. None of those things are Jack's fault and are outside his control. The only thing it seems he can do is employ a different security firm and put even more security in place.

It appears Pep jumped on this "less posting on social media needed" bandwagon in his press conference which is EXTREMELY disappointing from him. It shows a real lack of understanding from him and to be implying victim-blaming against one of his own players in this circumstance is bad judgement and behaviour IMO.
To be clear as well in no way whatsoever do I blame Grealish or any other burglary victim
In theory you should be able to leave your house unlocked (I know you can’t)
The only person responsible is the thieving scumbag burglar rat - lowest of the low

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